招标网 > 招标采购 > 中标公告 > 芜湖荻港荻利物资回收有限公司旧废(铺路板)、旧废钢(已切割)销售采购公告
发布日期:2023年08月25日 | 标签:路招标 
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**荻港荻利物资回收有限公司就旧废(铺路板)、旧废钢(已切割)销售在交易中心进行招标采购 ,现公开邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。 一、项目内容 项目标号:****-MS-****-****** 项目标名:旧废(铺路板)、旧废钢(已切割)销售 交货地点和时间:****保税港区东华能源厂区 物资名称及数量:请点击左下角物资明细表查看。 二、投标人资格要求: 投标要求须知模板: Bidding request note template: *、本报价具有严肃性,并受《合同法》约束; This quotation is serious and subject to the Contract Law; *、供应商应在报价截止时间内按要求填写有效报价,不按要求时间回复或无回复的单位,视为自动放弃报价; The supplier shall fill in the valid quotation as required within the quotation deadline, and the unit that does not reply or respond without the request shall be deemed to automatically waive the quotation; *、累计三次不准时或无报价回复的单位,将被暂停*个月的报价资格,其中允许回复无**报价的情况除外; Units that have not been punctual or have no quotation will be suspended for * months, except for those who are allowed to reply without resource quotation; *、报价计算方法,按照采购项目内容要求,报理算价或过磅价,报价时在备注中写明其他必要信息,不按要求报价视报价无效; The quotation shall be calculated according to the content requirements of the procurement project and reported the calculation price or the overweight price. The quotation shall be indicated with other necessary information in the remarks. Quotations which are not reported according to the requirements will not be invalid; *、请按照国家标准产品或双方签订的技术协议约定范围进行报价,并按照协议要求提供相关的质保书、船级社证书、特殊行业证书等; Please quote according to the scope of the national standard products or the technical agreement signed by both parties, and provide the relevant warranty, classification society certificate, special industry certificate, etc. according to the agreement; *、如果供应的设备需要调试服务,需注明免费服务时间;如果调试服务另外收费,需注明或上传日薪费率单; If the supplied equipment requires commissioning service, please indicate the free service time; if the commissioning service is charged separately, please indicate or upload the daily salary rate list; *、所有报价为不含税价,需提供**%增值税专用发票,不含税单价保留到小数点后两位; All quotations are not included in the tax price, and a **% VAT special invoice is required. The unit price excluding tax is reserved to two decimal places; *、报价时需上传与该项投标有关的必要数据和技术资料(详见询价单) The necessary data and technical data related to the bid need to be uploaded at the time of quotation (see inquiry form for details); *、报价有效期不低于*个月。 The quotation is valid for no less than * months. 三、投标人须登录电子交易平台进行投标和开标活动,务必在开标前完成注册并获得投标资格,中标情况将在本网公示。 四、网上投标方法:具体步骤请参照本网站首页“服务指南”。 五、报名截止时间:****-**-** **:**,投标截止及开标时间:****-**-** **:**,投标人应于投标截止时间前在电子交易平台成功递交所有电子投标文件。 六、物理开标地点: 七、有意者可与金伟联系,业务联系电话:电话: 手机:*********** 邮箱:jin.*********** 。 **荻港荻利物资回收有限公司 ****-**-** **:** 附件:


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