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发布日期:2023年12月26日 | 标签:
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样车运输采购项目Procurement project of sample vehicle transportation采购项目公告 发布时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 项目信息 采购项目项目名称: 样车运输采购项目Procurement project of sample vehicle transportation 采购项目项目编号: *************** 采购组织形式: 一次性 合同履行方式: 闭口 合同价款形式: 固定总价 是否有预估量: 无预估量原因: 建设工程项目名称: 项目编号: 项目地址: 采购项目人名称: 奥迪一汽新能源汽车有限公司 采购项目人地址: **汽车经济技术开发区汽车大路****号 联系人: 董学超 联系电话: *********** 代理机构名称: ************ 代理机构地址: **省*****大街****号 代理机构联系人: 董学超 联系电话: *********** 资金来源: 自筹资金 采购方式: 谈判采购 公告开始时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 公告截止时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 提出异议截止时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 澄清回复截止时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 递交文件截止时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 项目评审时间: ****-**-** **:**:** 包件信息 包件* 包件名称: 样车运输采购项目Procurement project of sample vehicle transportation 包件编号: ****-NEVCO*** 评审方法: 最低价法 明细信息 名称 数量 单位 币种 型号/标准号 品牌厂商 规格/参数 最小订购量 预估使用量 需求号 材质 到货地点 仓库 要货时间 到货时间 备注 * 样车运输采购项目 * / / / / 公告内容: 第一章谈判采购公告 Chapter I Announcement of Negotiation and Procurement 样车运输采购项目谈判采购公告 Sample Vehicle Transportation Procurement Project Negotiation Procurement Announcement *. 采购条件 *. Conditions of procurement 本谈判采购项目采购人为奥迪一汽新能源汽车有限公司,采购项目资金来自企业自筹,出资比例为***%。该项目已具备采购条件,现对本项目进行谈判采购。 The procurement price for this negotiation procurement project is Audi FAW NEV Co., Ltd., the procurement project funds come from the enterprise's own funds, and the investment ratio is ***%. The project has met the procurement conditions, and now the project is negotiated for procurement. *. 项目概况与采购内容 *. Project overview and procurement content *.*采购服务名称:样车运输采购项目 *.* Name of procurement service: sample vehicle transportation procurement project *.*运输线路:**-因戈尔施塔特(门到门) *.* Transportation routes: Changchun – Ingolstadt (Door to Door) *.*执行日期:****年*月**日后提车,****年*月*日前送达指定地点 *.* Exec Date: Pick up after January **th, ****, and deliver to the designated place before March *th, **** *.*本项目供应商仅为运输代理,项目为“门到门”执行方式,无需进行报关操作 *.* The supplier of this project is only a transportation agent, and the project is executed door-to-door without customs declaration. *. 供应商资格要求 *. Supplier Qualification Requirements *.*本次采购要求供应商须具有与本采购项目相应的能力,并具备如下所列的条件: *.* This procurement requires that the supplier must have the ability corresponding to this procurement project and meet the conditions listed below: *.*.*供应商应是依法从事经营,有能力提供采购服务的法人或其他组织(提供营业执照扫描件) *.*.* The supplier shall be a legal person or other organization that is engaged in business in accordance with the law and has the ability to provide procurement services (provide business license and scanned copy) *.*.*供应商应具备运输资质(提供有效期内的道路运输经营许可证扫描件) *.*.* The supplier shall have transportation qualification (provide a scanned copy of the road transport business license within the validity period) *.*.*供应商需具备TISAX资质或从具备TISAX资质的车辆运输商处取得针对本项目的授权(选取以下任意一种方式进行资料提供:*.提供供应商有效期内的TISAX证书扫描件;*.提供车辆运输商TISAX授权书、车辆运输商运输资质证明材料和车辆运输商TISAX证书扫描件) *.*.* The supplier shall have TISAX qualification or obtain the authorization for this project from the vehicle carrier with TISAX qualification (Select any of the following methods to provide data: *. Provide the supplier's TISAX certificate scan within the validity period; *. Provide vehicle transporter TISAX authorization letter, vehicle transporter transportation qualification certification materials and scanning copy of vehicle transporter TISAX certificate ) *.*.*供应商必须具备*年(含)以上乘用车商品车运输从业经验(提供近五年的相关合同扫描件) *.*.* The supplier must have more than * years (inclusive) of experience in passenger car commercial vehicle transportation. (Provide scanned copies of relevant contracts in the last five years) *.*.*供应商必须满足安保标准要求(详见附件Security Standard **.**) *.*.* The supplier must meet the Security Standard requirements (see attached Security Standard **.**). *.*.* 服务方案安保要求: *.*.* Service Scheme Security Requirements: *.*.*.*只能使用具有外墙稳定/硬壳上层结构(非篷布上层结构)的密闭、可锁、可密封的运输工具运输保密车辆; Only closed, lockable and sealable transports with stable outer walls/hard-shell superstructures (no tarpaulin superstructures) may be used for vehicles requiring secrecy. *.*.*.*奥迪内部员工或保安员必须确保车辆/车身移交时备有合适的篷布; The Audi-internal employee or the security officer must ensure that suitable tarpaulin sets are available when the vehicle/car body is handed over. *.*.*.*保密车辆应使用全部上锁的行车篷布,车体应使用全部上锁的篷布。 Vehicles that are kept secret shall be secured with a driving tarpaulin and a locked full tarpaulin, car bodies with a locked full tarpaulin. *.*.* 服务方案必须为中英双语。 *.*.* Service Scheme must be used in Chinese and English *.*本次采购不接受联合体参与。 *.* This purchase Not accepted Consortium participation. *.*本次采购不接受分公司参与。 *.* This purchase Not accepted Branch offices participate. *.*本次采购不接受小规模纳税人参与。 *.* This purchase Not accepted Small-scale taxpayer participation. *.*供应商不得存在下列情形之一: *.* The Supplier shall not be under any of the following circumstances: *)与采购人存在利害关系且可能影响采购公正性; *) It has an interest relationship with the purchaser and may affect the fairness of procurement; *)与本采购项目的其他供应商为同一个单位负责人; *) Be the person in charge of the same unit as other suppliers of this procurement project; *)与本采购项目的其他供应商存在控股、管理关系; *) Holding and management relationship with other suppliers of this procurement project; *)为本采购项目提供过设计、编制技术规范和其他文件的咨询服务; *) Provide consulting services for design, preparation of technical specifications and other documents for this procurement project; *)为本采购项目的采购代理机构或代建人或监理人;与采购代理机构或代建人或监理人同为一个法定代表人;与采购代理机构或代建人或监理人存在控股或参股关系; *) It is the procurement agency or construction agent or supervisor of the procurement project; It has the same legal representative as the procurement agency, construction agent or supervisor; Having holding or equity participation relationship with procurement agency, construction agent or supervisor; *)被依法暂停或者取消投标资格; *) The bidding qualification is suspended or cancelled according to law; *)被责令停产停业,暂扣或者吊销许可证,暂扣或者吊销执照; *) Being ordered to suspend production and business, suspending or revoking the license, suspending or revoked the license; *)进入清算程序,或被宣告破产,或其他丧失履约能力的情形; *) Enter into liquidation procedures, or be declared bankrupt, or otherwise lose the ability to perform the contract; *)在近三年内发生重大服务质量问题(以省级相关行业主管部门的行政处罚决定或司法机关出具的有关法律文书为准); *) Major service quality problems have occurred in the past three years (subject to the administrative penalty decision of the competent department of the relevant industry at the provincial level or the relevant legal documents issued by the judicial authority); **)被工商行政管理机关在国家企业信用信息公示系统(http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/)中列入严重违法失信企业名单; **) Included in the list of seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterprises by the industrial and commercial administrative authorities in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/); **)被最高人民法院在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)或各省级“信用中国”网站中列入失信被执行人名单; **) Being included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the Supreme People's Court on the website of "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn) or the website of "Creditchina" at provincial level; **)处于被采购人及其指定的母子公司列入禁入名单期限内; **) Within the period when the purchaser and its designated parent and subsidiary companies are included in the prohibited list; **)法律法规规定的其他情形。 **) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations. *. 采购文件的获取 *. Acquisition of procurement documents *.*本项目采用电子化采购,凡有意参加响应者,请于****-**-** **:**至****-**-** **:** (**时间,下同),登录中国一汽电子招标采购交易平台(https://etp.faw.cn/)下载电子采购文件。 *.* This project adopts electronic procurement. Anyone who is interested in participating in the response can Please arrive from ****-**-** **:** to ****-**-** **:**(Beijing time, the same below), log in to the China FAW electronic bidding and procurement trading platform ( https://etp.faw.cn/ ) to download electronic procurement documents. *.* 采购文件每套售价***.**元人民币,售后不退。未领购采购文件的,不得参加本项目。 *.* Price of each set of purchasing documents ***.**RMB, non-refundable after sale. Those who have not received and purchased the procurement documents shall not participate in the project. *. 响应文件的递交 *. Submission of response documents *.*递交响应文件(包括在平台填写响应报价)的截止时间为****-**-** **:**,供应商宜在截止时间前一个工作日通过中国一汽电子招标采购交易平台递交响应文件并填写响应报价。 *.* Submit response documents (including filling in response quotations on the platform) The deadline is ****-**-** **:**, suppliers should submit response documents and fill in the response quotation through the China FAW Electronic Bidding and Procurement Trading Platform one working day before the deadline. *.*逾期送达的响应文件,中国一汽电子招标采购交易平台将予以拒收。 *.* The response documents delivered overdue will be rejected by FAW's electronic bidding procurement trading platform. *. 谈判时间和地点 *. Time and place of negotiations *.* 谈判预计开始时间为:****-**-** **:** *.* The expected start time of negotiations is: ****-**-** **:** *.* 谈判通过中国一汽电子招标采购交易平台进行。 *.* Negotiations shall be conducted through FAW's electronic bidding procurement trading platform. *. 发布公告的媒介/确认 *. Media/Confirmation of Announcement 本项目采用的采购方式为:公开采购 The procurement method adopted for this project is: public procurement 发布公告的媒介(适用于公开采购):本次采购公告在中国一汽电子招标采购交易平台(https://etp.faw.cn/)上发布 Media for publishing announcements (applicable to public procurement): This procurement announcement is published on the China FAW Electronic Bidding and Procurement Trading Platform ( https://etp.faw.cn/) 确认:(适用于邀请采购)你单位收到本邀请书后,在规定的时间内领购采购文件视为确认参与采购活动;未在本邀请书规定的时间内领购采购文件或明确表示不参加的,不得再参加采购活动。 Confirmation: (applicable to invited procurement) After receiving this Invitation, it shall be deemed that your company has confirmed its participation in procurement activities by receiving and purchasing procurement documents within the specified time; Those who fail to receive and purchase the procurement documents within the time specified in this Invitation or clearly indicate that they will not participate shall not participate in the procurement activities. *. 联系方式 *. Contact Information *.* 供应商操作指南 *.* Supplier's Operating Guidelines https://etp.faw.cn/xxgl/toXinXiListxinXiGuanLiType=** 供应商在使用一汽电子交易平台时遇到的各类问题,应当首先通过上述链接进入“帮助中心-用户指南”界面,查看相应操作文件或视频。 For various problems encountered by suppliers in using the FAW Electronic Trading Platform, they shall first enter the "Help Center - User Guide" interface through the above links to view the corresponding operation documents or videos. *.*电子交易平台客服 *.* Customer service of electronic trading platform 电话:***-***-****,工作时间周一至周五*:**至**:** Tel: ***-***-****, working hours Monday to Friday *:** to **:** 负责答复您在使用一汽电子交易平台时遇到的各类操作问题,如平台注册、采购文件购买、响应文件递交、响应保证金递交等。 Responsible for answering all kinds of operational problems you encounter when using the FAW electronic trading platform, such as platform registration, purchase of procurement documents, submission of response documents, submission of response margin, etc; *.* CA办理(由第三方受理业务) *.* CA Handling (Business Handled by a Third Party) ****-********工作时间:周一至周五*:**至**:**,**:**至**:**,负责受理您办理CA及密码重置解锁业务 ****-******** Working hours: Monday to Friday *:** to **:**, **:** to **:**, responsible for accepting your CA and password reset unlocking business **********工作时间:周一至周五*:**至**:**,**:**至**:**,负责受理您CA发票开具及其进度查询业务 ********** Working hours: Monday to Friday *:** to **:**, **:** to **:**, responsible for accepting your CA invoicing and progress inquiry business *.* 财务专员 *.* Financial Officer 电话:****-********,工作时间周一至周五*:**至**:**,**:**至**:** Tel: ****-********, working hours Monday to Friday *:** to **:**, **:** to **:** 负责答复您关于采购文件费、平台服务费、采购代理服务费的发票开具问题。 Responsible for answering your invoicing questions about procurement document fee, platform service fee and procurement agency service fee. *.* 采购人 *.* The Purchaser 采购人名称:奥迪一汽新能源汽车有限公司 Purchaser's name: Audi FAW NEV Co., Ltd. 地址:**汽车经济技术开发区汽车大路****号 address: No. ****, Cheda Road, Changchun Automobile Economic and Technological Development Zone 联系人:董学超 Contact person: Dong Xuechao 座机:****-******** Landline: ****-******** 手机:*********** cell phone: *********** 邮箱:*********** *********** *. 供应商网上注册 *. Supplier Online Registration 凡首次在一汽电子交易平台参加电子投标活动的供应商必须登录平台进行网上免费注册,注册时需提交相关资料,平台工作人员审核通过后完成注册。 Suppliers who participate in electronic bidding activities on FAW Electronic Trading Platform for the first time must log in to the platform for online free registration. Relevant materials shall be submitted during registration, and the platform staff shall complete the registration after approval. 采购文件 请 登 录 后,在【电子非招标采购交易平台-供应商专区-采购公告】菜单下载 最新时间安排 项目名称项目编号变更标题操作 项目名称 项目编号 变更标题 操作 报价网址:https://etp.faw.cn/yq-xunjia/index.html


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