招标网 > 招标采购 > 招标公告 > 哈尔滨工业大学载波位相稳定飞秒激光器项目(三次)公开招标公告
发布日期:2019年10月17日 | 标签:大学招标 
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  天和项目管理有限公司受*******委托,根据《中华人民**国政府采购法》等有关规定,现对*******载波位相稳定飞秒激光器项目(三次)进行公开招标,欢迎合格的供应商前来投标。 项目名称:*******载波位相稳定飞秒激光器项目(三次) 项目编号:HITZB-**********(THCG[****]****、****-***THJD*****) 项目联系方式: 项目联系人:王先生 项目联系电话:*********** 采购单位联系方式: 采购单位:******* 地址:*******西大直街**号*******行政办公楼 联系方式:王老师 ****-******** 代理机构联系方式: 代理机构:天和项目管理有限公司 代理机构联系人:王先生 *********** 代理机构地址: *******钢铁街***号 一、采购项目的名称、数量、简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍: 详见招标公告 二、投标人的资格要求: (*)满足政府采购法第二十二条相关规定。(*)投标人为招标货物的专业制造商或经制造商授权的商贸公司(作为代理),如代理商投标,需提供制造商授权书(合法来源渠道证明)。(*)开标时采购代理机构将通过“中国政府采购网”、“信用中国”、“国家企业信用信息公示系统”、“中国执行信息公开网”对拟参加本项目的供应商信用记录进行查询,对列入失信记录名单的,严禁参与本项目(以开标当日网站查询结果截图为准);(*)参加本项目的投标人须附营业执照副本。(*)本项目不接受联合体。 三、招标文件的发售时间及地点等: 预算金额:***.* 万元(人民币) 时间:****年**月**日 **:**至****年**月**日 **:**(双休日及法定节假日除外) 地点:*******钢铁街***号 招标文件售价:¥***.* 元,本公告包含的招标文件售价总和 招标文件获取方式:现金购买 四、投标截止时间:****年**月**日 **:** 五、开标时间:****年**月**日 **:** 六、开标地点: *******校外街*号*******标准化开标评标室 七、其它补充事宜 招标公告 Tender notice 发标日期:****年**月**日 Date:On October **, **** 招标编号:HITZB-**********(THCG[****]****、****-***THJD*****) IFB No.:HITZB-**********(THCG[****]****、****-***THJD*****) 天和项目管理有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标。本次招标采用公开招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 Tianhe project management co., ltdauthorized by the tenderer for the following products and services of international competitive bidding.Traditional bidding is adopted in this bidding process, now invites eligible bidders to take part in bidding. *、招标条件: *、the tender conditions: 项目概况:*******载波位相稳定飞秒激光器项目(三次) Project Profile: Carrier phase stabilized femtosecond laser project of Harbin University of Technology (three times) 资金到位或资金落实情况:国拨资金(*******元)已落实 Capital in place or to carry out the situation: State - allocated funds(*******yuan RMB)it has been implemented 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备 Project: has the tender conditions have *、招标内容: *、The tender content: 招标项目编号:HITZB-**********(THCG[****]****、****-***THJD*****) IFB No. :HITZB-**********(THCG[****]****、****-***THJD*****) 招标项目名称:*******载波位相稳定飞秒激光器项目(三次) Name of tender project: Carrier phase stabilized femtosecond laser project of Harbin University of Technology (three times) 项目实施地点:***省 Project location: Heilongjiang province 招标产品(主要设备)名称、数量、主要技术参数、交货时间及交货地点: Name of equipment, quantity, main technical specification, goods delivery time and delivery place 招标货物名称 Bidding Equipment Name 数量 Quantity 简要技术参数 Brief technical parameter 交货时间 Delivering time 采购预算 Procurement budget 载波位相稳定飞秒激光器 Carrier phase stabilized femtosecond laser *台 * stations 详见招标文件 Details please refer to the tender documents 交货时间:***个工作日 Delivering time:***working days 交货地点:******* Place of delivery: Harbin Institute of Technology. *******元人民币 *******yuan RMB *、投标人资质要求: (*)满足政府采购法第二十二条相关规定。 (*)投标人为招标货物的专业制造商或经制造商授权的商贸公司(作为代理),如代理商投标,需提供制造商授权书(合法来源渠道证明)。 (*)开标时采购代理机构将通过“中国政府采购网”、“信用中国”、“国家企业信用信息公示系统”、“中国执行信息公开网”对拟参加本项目的供应商信用记录进行查询,对列入失信记录名单的,严禁参与本项目(以开标当日网站查询结果截图为准); (*)参加本项目的投标人须附营业执照副本。 (*)本项目不接受联合体。 *、The bidder qualifications required: (*) meet the Government Procurement Law Article ** of the relevant regulations. (*) The bidder is a professional manufacturer of the bidding goods or a trade company authorized by the manufacturer ( acting as an agent ). If the agent bids, it needs to provide the manufacturer's authorization ( legal source channel certificate ). (*)The procurement agency will inquire the supplier's credit records through the "Chinese Government Procurement Network", "Credit China", "National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System", "China Execution Information Publicity Network". If the supplier's credit records are listed in the list of dishonest records, it is strictly forbidden to participate in the project (on the opening day of bidding). The screenshots of website query results shall prevail. (*) Bidders participating in this project must attach a copy of the business license . (*) This project does not accept the consortium. *、招标文件的获取: 招标文件购买开始时间:****-**-** 招标文件购买结束时间:****-**-** 获取招标文件方式:现场购买 招标文件领购地点:*******钢铁街***号 招标文件售价:¥***.**/$**.** *、How To acquire the tender documents: Purchase tender documents start time: ****-**-** The tender documents to buy end time: ****-**-** The way to obtain the tender documents: the scene to buy The bidding documents receiving and purchasing location: No. ***, Steel Street, Daoli District, Harbin City The bidding documents for: selections ***.** / $**.** 其他说明: Other details: 有意向的投标人可以在****年**月**日至****年**月**日每天(节假日除外) 上午*时至**时**分,**时至**时 (**时间)在天和项目管理有限公司购买招标文件,投标人报名时须携带《*******招标采购项目投标报名登记表》(附件*,原件)、法人授权委托书(原件)、法人身份证(复印件)、委托代理人身份证(原件及复印件)、营业执照(原件及复印件)、《投标人诚信承诺书》(附件*,原件)等相关材料以上证件一套(复印件加盖投标供应商公章)。本招标文件每套售价***元人民币或**美元,售后不退(国内邮购须另加***元人民币;国外邮购须另加**美元) 。本项目公告在中国国际招标网(http:///)、中国政府采购网(http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/)、中国招标投标公共服务平台(http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/)、中国招标投标网(http://www.cec.gov.cn/)、*******招标与采购管理中心(http:// cgzx.hit.edu.cn)、天和项目管理有限公司(http://http://www.thxmglgs.com/)发布。 Intended bidders can purchase bidding documents from Tianhe Project Management Co., Ltd. every day from **October **** to ** October **** ( except holidays ) from *am to **am, and from **am to **am ( Beijing time ). Bidders must carry a set of documents such as " Registration Form for Bidding and Purchasing Projects of Harbin Institute of Technology" ( Annex *, original ), legal person authorization letter ( original ), legal person identity card ( copy ), entrusted agent identity card ( original and copy ), business license ( original and copy ), bidder's integrity pledge ( Annex *, original ) and other relevant materials. Each set of this bidding document is sold at *** yuan RMB or US $ **, and will not be refunded after sale ( domestic mail order must be supplemented with *** yuan RMB; For overseas mail order, an additional $ **is required. The announcement of this project was published in China International Bidding Network ( http:/// ), China Government Procurement Network ( http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/ ), China Public Service Platform for Bidding ( http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/ ), China Bidding Network ( http://www.cec.gov.cn/ ), Bidding and Procurement Management Center of Harbin Institute of Technology ( http: / / cgzx.hit.edu.cn ), Tianhe Project Management Co., Ltd. ( http: / / http: / / www. thxmggs. com / ). *、投标文件的递交: *、The tender documents submitted: 投标截止时间(开标时间):****-**-* *:**(**时间) 投标文件送达地点:*******校外街*号*******标准化开标评标室 开标地点:*******校外街*号*******标准化开标评标室 Bidding deadline (the bid opening time) : ****-**-**:** (Beijing time) Bidding documents delivery location:Harbin Institute of Technology standardized bid opening and evaluation room, No. *, Extramural Street, nangang district, Harbin. The bid opening location: Harbin Institute of Technology standardized bid opening and evaluation room, No. *, Extramural Street, nangang district, Harbin. 投标人在投标前须在中国国际招标网上完成注册,评标结果将在中国国际招标网、中国政府采购网、中国招标投标公共服务平台、中国招标投标网、*******招标与采购管理中心、天和项目管理有限公司上公示。 Bidders must complete registration on the China International Tendering Network before bidding, and the bid evaluation results will be publicized on the China International Tendering Network, the China Government Procurement Network, the China Public Service Platform for Tendering and Bidding, the China Tendering and Bidding Network, the Bidding and Procurement Management Center of Harbin Institute of Technology, and Tianhe Project Management Co., Ltd.. *、联系方式: *、Contact: 招标人:******* The tenderer:Harbin Institute of Technology 地址:*******西大直街**号*******行政办公楼 Address of the tenderer:Administrative Office Building of Harbin Institute of Technology, ** Xidazhi Street, nangang district, Harbin 联系人:王老师 Contact Person:MR.Wang 联系电话:****-******** Tel:****-******** 招标代理机构:天和项目管理有限公司 Bidding agency:Tianhe project management co., ltd 地址:*******钢铁街***号 Address:No. ***, Steel Street, Daoli District, Harbin City 联系人:王先生 Contact Person:Mr. Wang 联系电话:*********** Tel:*********** *、汇款方式: *、Remittance way: 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):工商银行**支行 Issuing Bank (RMB): Qianjin Sub - branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 账号:******************* Account:******************* 招标代理机构开户银行(美元):工商银行**支行 Issuing Bank (us $): Qianjin Sub - branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 账号:******************* Account:******************* *、其他补充说明: *,、supplemented by the other: 资金性质:国拨资金*******元 Capital property:State - allocated funds*******yuan RMB 采购项目需要落实的政府采购政策:按照国家规定执行。 Procurement projects need to be implemented in government procurement policies: in accordance with the state regulations. 注:投标厂商网上注册:根据商务部有关规定,投标人在购买招标文件后应及时在中国国际招标网上注册(http://),并将由投标人加盖公章的招投标注册登记表及工商营业执照(复印件)提交至招标网;境外投标人提交所在地登记证明材料(复印件),投标人无印章的,提交由单位负责人签字的招投标注册登记表。 Notice: The bidder should register through internet work: According to the prescript of Ministry of Commerce, the bidder should register in http:// in time after has obtained the bidding documents. And will build official seal by a bidder bidding registration form and the industrial and commercial business license (copy) to submit to the tender net; Foreign bidders submit location registration documents (copy), the bidder without seal, submit the bidding registration form signed by the head unit. 八、采购项目需要落实的政府采购政策: 无



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