招标网 > 招标采购 > 招标公告 > 海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会-海南陵水黎安国际教育创新试验区一体化模式国际征集招标(二次)-资格预审公告
发布日期:2019年09月17日 | 标签:教育招标 
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一、招标项目 项目名称 ***水黎**际教育创新试验区一体化模式国际征集招标(二次) 项目编号 GXTC-C-******* 联 系 人 吴淑梅 联系电话 +**-*********** 行政区域
(预算次级) 省本级 预算金额
(万元) ***.* 项目概况
二、采购项目需要落实的政府采购政策 采购项目
采购政策 / 三、供应商要求说明 供应商
要求说明 申请人的资格 *.资质要求 (*) 申请人应为合法注册的法人实体或由合法注册的法人实体组成的项目联合体。 (*)申请人须具有城乡规划编制甲级资质;建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级及以上资质;*政行业(给水工程、排水工程)设计专业乙级及以上资质;*政行业(道路工程)设计专业甲级及以上资质;风景园林工程设计专项甲级及以上资质;工程勘察(岩土工程)甲级及以上资质;工程咨询单位甲级资信证书(建筑、*政)及以上。 *.项目负责人要求 (*)项目总负责人要求:同时具有建筑专业高级或以上职称和一级注册建筑师执业资格; (*)规划编制设计负责人同时具有规划相关专业高级工程师或以上职称和注册城乡规划师执业资格; (*)建筑工程设计负责人同时具有建筑专业高级工程师或以上职称和一级注册建筑师执业资格; (*)*政给排水工程设计负责人同时具有给排水专业高级工程师或以上职称和注册公用设备(给水排水)工程师执业资格; (*)*政道路工程设计负责人具有道路工程相关专业高级工程师或以上职称; (*)风景园林工程设计负责人具有园林相关专业高级工程师或以上职称; (*)勘察负责人同时具有岩土专业高级工程师或以上职称和国家注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格; (*)工程咨询负责人同时具有高级或以上职称和注册咨询工程师(投资)执业资格; (*)要求项目总负责人与专业负责人均不得兼任其他专业负责人。 *. 业绩要求 需提供****年*月*日至资格预审申请文件递交止,单项合同建筑规模在**万平方米及以上类似项目建筑工程设计业绩至少具有*个。 类似项目是指教育园区、高等院校校区、**办学校区等。 *.财务要求(境内企业提供) 单一申请人或联合体成员提供****年至****年度第三方机构出具的财务审计报告,要求每年度均盈利。 *.信誉要求(境内企业提供) *.*被“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)中列入失信被执行人和重大税收违法案件当事人名单的供应商、被中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单中被财政部门禁止参加政府采购活动的供应商(处罚决定规定的时间和地域范围内),无资格参加本项目的投标活动。 *.*申请人须在参加此次政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录的声明(提供声明函)。 *.联合体 *.*本项目接受联合体,联合体成员最多*家,联合体申请人应满足下列要求: *.*.*资格预审申请文件递交时需提交联合体协议书(需明确各方的工作内容和义务)。要求负责建筑设计方作为牵头人,牵头人为境内企业。 *.*.*境外申请人资格:(如果有) (*)境外企业提供的资料如为非中文,应提供中文译本。 (*)允许境外企业用在境内注册的子公司或分公司与境内企业组成联合体,但需提供境外企业母公司关于所属关系的声明。 *.其他要求 *.*除联合体成员外,申请人之间不应存在关联关系。 *.*联合体成员(限境内企业)均须符合资格预审公告“三、申请人的资格*.信誉要求”规定,否则申请无效。 四、审查标准、方法 审查标准
方法 合格制,即资格预审合格的申请人都有资格获取招标文件。 五、获取资格预审文件 获取资格预审文件开始时间 ****-**-** **:** 获取资格预审文件结束时间 ****-**-** **:** 获取资格预审文件的地点 全国公共**交易平台(**省)(http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/) 获取资格预审文件的方式或事项 网上购买 六、资格预审申请文件的提交及审查 提交截止时间 ****-**-** **:** 资格审查日期 ****-**-** **:** 资格审查地点 **省公共**交易服务中心(***国兴大道*号) ***开标室 七、联系方式 采购人单位名称 **国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会 采购人联系方式 +**-*********** 采购人地址 **省*******黎安**风小镇综合服务中心 代理机构 国信招标有限责任公司 代理机构地址 **省***金贸西路*号诚田花园A幢*A房 代理机构联系方式 +**-****-******** 详细信息 ***水黎**际教育创新试验区一体化模式国际征集招标(二次)资格预审公告
*.项目名称:***水黎**际教育创新试验区一体化模式国际征集招标(二次)。 *.项目选址:***水黎**际教育创新试验区(以下简称:试验区)地处北纬**度,位于**省*******黎安镇大墩片区,基地背山面海,南靠南湾自然保护区,东西两侧分别临黎安港泻湖和新村港泻湖。 *.规划范围:试验区规划范围**黎安港及**,西至新村港,南至南湾自然保护区,北至规划路。规划范围用地面积****.**公顷;其中“多规合一”开发边界控制范围****.**公顷,近期建设用地规模***.**公顷。
*.招标人:**国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会 *.招标代理机构:国信招标有限责任公司
*.资质要求 (*) 申请人应为合法注册的法人实体或由合法注册的法人实体组成的项目联合体。 (*)申请人须具有城乡规划编制甲级资质;建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级及以上资质;*政行业(给水工程、排水工程)设计专业乙级及以上资质;*政行业(道路工程)设计专业甲级及以上资质;风景园林工程设计专项甲级及以上资质;工程勘察(岩土工程)甲级及以上资质;工程咨询单位甲级资信证书(建筑、*政)及以上。 *.项目负责人要求 (*)项目总负责人要求:同时具有建筑专业高级或以上职称和一级注册建筑师执业资格; (*)规划编制设计负责人同时具有规划相关专业高级工程师或以上职称和注册城乡规划师执业资格; (*)建筑工程设计负责人同时具有建筑专业高级工程师或以上职称和一级注册建筑师执业资格; (*)*政给排水工程设计负责人同时具有给排水专业高级工程师或以上职称和注册公用设备(给水排水)工程师执业资格; (*)*政道路工程设计负责人具有道路工程相关专业高级工程师或以上职称; (*)风景园林工程设计负责人具有园林相关专业高级工程师或以上职称; (*)勘察负责人同时具有岩土专业高级工程师或以上职称和国家注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格; (*)工程咨询负责人同时具有高级或以上职称和注册咨询工程师(投资)执业资格;
*. 业绩要求
*.财务要求(境内企业提供) 单一申请人或联合体成员提供****年至****年度第三方机构出具的财务审计报告,要求每年度均盈利。 *.信誉要求(境内企业提供) *.*被“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)中列入失信被执行人和重大税收违法案件当事人名单的供应商、被中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单中被财政部门禁止参加政府采购活动的供应商(处罚决定规定的时间和地域范围内),无资格参加本项目的投标活动。 *.*申请人须在参加此次政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录的声明(提供声明函)。 *.联合体 *.*本项目接受联合体,联合体成员最多*家,联合体申请人应满足下列要求: *.*.*资格预审申请文件递交时需提交联合体协议书(需明确各方的工作内容和义务)。要求负责建筑设计方作为牵头人,牵头人为境内企业。 *.*.*境外申请人资格:(如果有) (*)境外企业提供的资料如为非中文,应提供中文译本。 (*)允许境外企业用在境内注册的子公司或分公司与境内企业组成联合体,但需提供境外企业母公司关于所属关系的声明。 *.其他要求 *.*除联合体成员外,申请人之间不应存在关联关系。 *.*联合体成员(限境内企业)均须符合资格预审公告“三、申请人的资格*.信誉要求”规定,否则申请无效。
*.*资格预审申请文件递交的截止时间(申请截止时间,下同)为****年**月**日**时**分,地点为**省公共**交易服务中心(***国兴大道*号)***开标室。(适用于现场递交)。 *.*.申请人应当通过数字身份认证锁登录全国公共**交易平台(**省)(http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/)上传。(适用于网络递交) *.*逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的资格申请文件,招标人不予受理。
*.*投标人须在全国公共**交易平台(**省)企业信息管理系(http://zw.hainan.gov.cn /ggzy/)中登记企业信息 , 然后登陆招标投标交易平台(http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/)下载,查看电子版的资格预审文件及其他文件; *.*申请人必须使用电子签章工具(在http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/ggzy/xgrjxz/index.jhtml下载签章工具)对PDF格式的电子申请文件进行盖章(使用WinRAR对PDF格式的标书加密压缩); *.*申请文件递交截止时间前,应当通过数字身份认证锁登录全国公共**交易平台(**省)(http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/)必须在网上上传PDF加密压缩的rar格式); *.*投标人设计方案的版权归招标人。招标人有权利用投标人提供的设计方案,在征集活动后可以通过新闻媒介、杂志、书刊或其它形式介绍、展示、应用等。 *.*本次征集活动中的所有文件(含资格预审公告)及往来信函均要求提供中文版,中文版与非中文版不一致以中文为准。 *.*投标人所获奖金的税金和在征集招标过程中发生的一切费用自理。 *.*参加本次活动的投标人均被视为接受招标人发出文件的所有条款。 *.***国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会拥有本次招标内容的解释权。 *.*本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民**国的法律和法规。
联系电话: +**-****-********
International Invitation forBidding (Second) Pre-qualification Announcement for Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Experimental Zone Integration Mode
In order to implement the spirit of important speechbyGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping on April ** and central document No.**, Hainan provincial government decided to build Hainan Lingshui Li' an international education innovation pilot zone in Dadun area, Lian Town, Lingshui Li Nationality Autonomous County in accordance with the requirements of the implementation plan to support Hainan's deepening education reform and opening upof the Ministry of Education and Hainan provincial people's government, such as "establishing a national education innovation pilot zone, building Hainan international education innovation island" and "relatively centralized layout, introducing overseas first-class universities to Hainan to carry out Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools" and other requirements, and in accordance with the medium and long-term planning ideas of Hainan province's higher education layout.
The international bidding for the integration mode of Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone is through the open solicitation of urban design schemes, and the candidate bid winner with the highest comprehensive score (including commercial bid and technical bid) is determined to be the deepening of the urban design scheme of Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone (regulatory detailed planning, urban design, and important architectural concepts); Detailed planning for construction (according to the development stage plan); Assessment of traffic carrying capacity; Assessment of environmental carrying capacity; Service institutions for the preparation of project feasibility study reports, project investigation and project design (schematic design, preliminary design and budget estimation, construction drawing design) of government investment projects.
I. Project Overview
*.Project Name:International Invitation forBidding (Second) for Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Experimental Zone Integration Mode *.Location of the Project:Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone (hereinafter referred to as "the Pilot Zone") is located at ** degrees north latitude. It is located in Dadun area of Li 'an Town, Lingshui Li Nationality Autonomous Region, Hainan Province with the base facing the sea on the back of the mountain, south of Nanwan Nature Reserve, and east and west of Li 'an Port Lagoon and Xincun Port Lagoon respectively. *.Planning Scope: The planning scope of the pilot area extends to Li 'an Port and South China Sea in the east, Xincun Port in the west, Nanwan Nature Reserve in the south and Planning Road in the north. The planned land area is ****.** hectares. Among them, the "multi-regulation" development boundary control area is ****.** hectares, and the recent construction land scale is ***.** hectares.
*.Resource Conditions:Both sides of the pilot zone face the sea to the southeast; the coastline is bounded by Perfume Bay to the north and Clear Water Bay to the south. The base is close to two natural lagoons (Xincun Port and Li 'an Port) and Nanwan Nature Reserve. The base also contains a number of high-quality beach coastlines and rich tropical natural resources, integrating natural charm elements such as mountains, seas, lakes, rivers, forests and bays.
*.Design Cycle:The planning and design period for the bidding phase is ** calendar days (from the date of publication of bidding documents to the deadline for submission of tender documents), and other professional construction periods shall be implemented according to the requirements of the tenderee.
*.Tender Content:
This tender includes the urban design plan of Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone (overall conceptual planning and urban design, recent important architectural conceptual plan); Deepening the urban design plan (regulatory detailed planning, urban design, important architectural concepts); Detailed planning for construction (according to the development stage plan); Assessment of traffic carrying capacity; Assessment of environmental carrying capacity; The preparation of the project feasibility study report, engineering survey and engineering design (schematic design, preliminary design, budget estimate and construction drawing design) of the government investment project shall be determined according to the specific needs of the project.
*.*Bidding Stage-International Solicitation of Urban Design Schemes
This international solicitation of urban design plans includes two levels of design content: *. Overall conceptual planning and urban design; *. Recent important architectural concept schemes.
With the goal of building a national education innovation and development demonstration area, building a high-quality, international and innovative talent cultivation base, building an important destination for students from countries along the "the belt and road initiative" route to study abroad, and building a centralized display window for a new benchmark of China's education opening to the outside world in the new era, through studying relevant policies, the future development trend of the education industry and the characteristics of site resources, the functional planning and project layout of Li 'an international education innovation pilot area are put forward, and the environmental capacity, ecological protection and transportation network are studied to establish the spatial framework, individual design and architectural style characteristic direction of the planning area. In addition, from the perspective of overall planning and regional coordination of Lingshui County of Hainan Province, and Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Pilot Zone, it is also necessary to put forward the development concept of the surrounding area and the coordinated planning of industry, space, transportation and other aspects with the planned area, and to put forward the contents of recent development and construction and the conceptual design and landscape features of important buildings for the near future development and construction.
*.*Work Contents after Winning the Bid
(*) Deepening the urban design plan (regulatory detailed planning, urban design, important architectural concepts);
(*) Detailed planning for construction (according to the development stage plan);
(*) Assessment of traffic carrying capacity; Assessment of environmental carrying capacity;
(*) The preparation of the project feasibility study report, engineering survey and engineering design (schematic design, preliminary design, budget estimate and construction drawing design) of the government investment project shall be determined according to the specific needs of the project.
*.Bidding Method:International Public Solicitation Bidding
*.Tenderee:Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee *.Bidding Agency:Guoxin Tendering Corporation Limited
II. Qualifications of Applicants
*.Qualification Requirements (*) The applicant shall be a legally registered legal entity or a project consortium composed of legally registered legal entities. (*) The applicant must have Grade A qualification for urban and rural planning; Grade A or above qualification for design in construction industry (construction engineering); Grade B or above qualification for design major in municipal industry (water supply engineering and drainage engineering); Grade A or above qualification in municipal industry (road engineering) design major; Grade A or above qualification for landscape architecture engineering design; Grade A or above qualification in engineering survey (geotechnical engineering); Grade A credit certificate (construction, municipal) of engineering consulting unit or above. *.Requirements for Project director (*) Requirements of the chief person in charge: having senior or above professional title in architecture and first-class registered architect qualification at the same time. (*) The person in charge of planning and design shall have senior engineer or above professional titles in planning related disciplines and the practicing qualification of registered urban and rural planners at the same time; (*) The person in charge of architectural engineering design has the professional title of senior engineer or above and the qualification of first-class registered architect. (*) The person in charge of municipal water supply and drainage engineering design has the professional title of senior engineer or above in water supply and drainage specialty and the qualification of registered public equipment (water supply and drainage) engineer. (*) The person in charge of municipal road engineering design shall have the title of senior engineer or above in road engineering related disciplines. (*) The person in charge of landscape architecture engineering design has the title of senior engineer or above in landscape architecture related disciplines; (*) The person in charge of the investigation has the professional title of senior engineer or above in geotechnical specialty and the national registered civil engineer (geotechnical) qualification. (*) The person-in-charge of engineering consulting has the professional title of senior or above professional titles and the qualification of registered consulting engineer (investment); (*) It is required that both the chief project manager and the professional manager shall not concurrently serve as other professional managers. *. Performance Requirements From January *, **** to the date of submittingprequalification application documents, at least one of the design performances of a similar project with a construction scale of ***,*** square meters or more under a single contracthas been completed. *.Financial Requirements (Provided by Domestic Enterprises) A single applicant or consortium member shall provide the financial audit report issued by a third party institution from **** to ****, and shall make profits every year. *.Reputation Requirements (Provided by Domestic Enterprises) *.* Suppliers listed on the "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) as dishonest enforcers and parties involved in major tax violations, and suppliers listed by the Chinese Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn) as government procurement records of serious violations of credit and prohibited from participating in government procurement activities by the financial department (within the time and region specified in the penalty decision) are not eligible to participate in the bidding activities of this project. *.* Applicants shall provide a statement (providing a statement letter) that they have no major illegal violation records in their business activities in the three years prior to participating in this government procurement activity. *.Consortium *.* This project accepts consortium comprising no more than * members. The consortium applicant shall meet the following requirements: *.*.* The prequalification application documents shall be submitted with the consortium agreement (the work contents and obligations of all parties shall be clearly defined). The responsible architectural designer is required to be the lead person, and the lead person is a domestic enterprise. *.*.* Qualification of overseas applicants: (if any) (*) If the information provided by overseas enterprises is not in Chinese, Chinese translation shall be provided. (*) Overseas enterprises are allowed to use subsidiaries or branches registered in China to form a consortium with domestic enterprises, provided that the statement of the parent company of the overseas enterprise on its affiliation is provided. *.Other Requirements *.* Except for the members of the consortium, there should be no association between the applicants. *.* Members of the consortium (limited to domestic enterprises) must meet the requirements of the prequalification announcement "III. Qualifications of applicants *. Reputation requirements", otherwise the application is invalid.
III. Methods of Prequalification
Eligibility system, that is, all applicants who have passed the pre-qualification examination are qualified to obtain the tender documents.
IV. The Determination of Successful Candidates and the Reward for Soliciting Activities
*.* Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone Integration Model International Solicitation Bidding was evaluated by a jury and threee candidate bid winners were determined according to the order of the overall score from high to low.
*.* After evaluation of the technical bid, the top winner received a bonus of * million Yuan (including tax); The second place winner received a bonus of *.* million Yuan (tax included); The third and fourth place winners each received a bonus of RMB * million (including tax).
*.* After the winning bidder and the client sign the integration model of Hainan Lingshui Li 'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone for international solicitation of bidding contract, the bonus (if any) will be credited to the contract amount.
V. How to Obtain Prequalification Documents
Please download the prequalification documents from the National Public Resources Trading Platform (Hainan Province) (http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/) from *:** am onSeptember **, **** to **:**pm on September **,****(Beijing time, the same below).
VI. Submission of Prequalification Application Documents
*.* The deadline for submission of application documents (deadline for application, the same below) shall be**:**amon October *, ****.And at the bid opening room of Hainan public resources trading service center (No.* guoxing avenue, Haikou city) No. *** room(Applicable to on-site delivery). *.*. The applicant shall log on to the national public resources trading platform (Hainan Province) (http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/) for uploading through the digital identity authentication lock. (For Internet Submission) *.* The tenderee will not accept the qualification application documents that have been delivered beyond the deadline or have not been delivered to the designated place.
VII. Announcement Release Media
The pre-qualification announcement was published on the media of China's public service platform for bidding and tendering, the national public resources trading platform (Hainan province), China's Hainan government procurement network and Lingshui county people's government network. VIII. Other Requirements *.*Bidders are required to register their enterprise information in the Enterprise Information Management Department (http://zw.hainan.gov.cn /ggzy/)) of the National Public Resources Trading Platform (Hainan Province), and then log on to the Bidding Trading Platform (http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/) to download and view the electronic pre-qualification documents and other documents. *.* The applicant must use the electronic signature tool (download the signature tool in http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/ggzy/xgrjxz/index.jhtml) to stamp the electronic application document in PDF format (use WinRAR to encrypt and compress the bid document in PDF format); *.* Before the deadline for submission of application documents, the application documents shall be logged into the national public resources trading platform (Hainan Province) (http://zw.hainan.gov.cn/ggzy/) through the digital identity authentication lock. PDF encrypted and compressed rar format must be uploaded online; *.* The copyright in the bidder's design proposal belongs to the tenderee. The tenderee has the right to use the design scheme provided by the bidder, and can introduce, display and apply it through news media, magazines, books and other forms after the solicitation. *.* All documents (including pre-qualification announcement) and correspondence in this solicitation activity are required to be provided in Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the non-Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. *.* Taxes on the bonuses received by the bidders and all expenses incurred in the bidding process shall be borne by the bidders themselves. *.* All bidders participating in this activity are deemed to have accepted any and all terms of the documents issued by the tenderee. *.* Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee has the right to interpret this request for proposal. *.* The laws and regulations applicable to the solicitation itself and the documents related to the solicitation are only those of the People's Republic of China.
IX. Contact Information
Tenderee: Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee
Address: Haifeng Town Comprehensive Service Center, Li 'an Town, Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province
Contact: Wu Shumei
Contact number: +**-***********
Bidding Agency: Guoxin Tendering Corporation Limited
Address: Room AB, *th Floor, Chengtian International Business Building, No.* Jinmao West Road, Haikou City
Contact: Li Fengrong
Contact number: +**-****-********
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