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发布日期:2018年10月11日 | 标签:
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C***机组表检仪项目招标公告 发布日期:****-**-** 招标编号:****-*******GA*** ************(以下称招标机构)受宝钢股份冷轧厂(以下称买方)委托,就其C***机组表检仪项目所需的下列货物进行国际公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。 *. 招标货物名称、数量、技术规格和资金来源: *)货物名称:C***机组表检仪; *)数量:*套; *)主要技术参数:*)选型设计:线扫描相机或面阵相机或者线、面相机结合设计; **)相机的分辨率: *.**×*.*(横向*纵向) mm/pixel及更高,另外需考虑到带钢抖动对测量的精度的影响以及对应方案; **)缺陷检出率:≥ **%; **)分类准确率:要求≥**%; **)过检率:要求≤*%; *)数据存储:≥*年; *)系统的运行率:≥**.*%; *)扫描宽度范围:至少****mm(带钢跑偏范围±**mm); *)新增配套检测软件,具备缺陷特征分析、分类、分级 及数据维护与备份等功能; **)具备待选照片集预分类功能。给“分类器”挑选典型缺陷照片时,照片集已经按照缺陷属性进行了预分类,在预分类后的照片集中挑选; ***)具备“测试分类器”。“测试分类器”可以与“在线分类器”在在线界面上做显示,同时在离线测试环境下,具备基于参考样本或钢卷对各个分类器的结果差异对比分析; ***)具备“移动式缺陷定位系统”,用于质量监控,系统配置**个监控相机; **)具备“质量处置位置自动跟踪”功能; **)具备移动式终端; **)具备实时图像功能显示及录像功能; **)可以识别描述周期性缺陷。 **)系统光源动态控制,甚至当生产参数发生改变,仍然确保持续的缺陷检测。 其他技术要求详见招标技术文件部分。; *)资金来源:自筹资金(现汇项目); *. 交货地点和交货时间: *)交货地点:CIP** *)交货时间:签订合同后*个月FCA *. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录中国国际招标网(http:///),务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在中国国际招标网公示。 *. 宝华国际招标网(http://www.baosteelbidding.com)可同时提供我公司的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华国际招标网上在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。 *. 购买招标文件时间: *)购买招标文件时间:****-**-**~****-**-**(每天*:**-**:**,**:**-**:**,节假日除外) *. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。 售价为人民币****元或***美元整。 招标文件均按包进行计价出售,投标人成功购标后,自行下载招标文件和投标文件模板。招标文件一经售出不得退还。 *. 投标截止时间和开标时间: *)投标截止时间:****-**-** **:**(**时间)。 投标人应于投标截止时间前在宝华电子招标网成功递交所有电子投标文件。 *. 开标方式: 电子 一步法 *. 开标信息: *)开标时间:同投标截止时间(**时间)。 *)开标地点:宝华招标网本项目开标大厅 **. *投标条件及资格要求: *)投标条件及资格要求:(*)如投标人为代理商,则必须具有制造商针对本项目的唯一授权证书并在本投标文件中提供。 (*)鉴于本项目为在线设备、现场需求比较复杂,任何投标人希望参与本项目的,均应在开标前与招标人(联系人: 俞鸿毅 电话:***-********)联系开展技术交流。投标人最晚应在开标前十天与招标人联系,并开展技术交流。未能及时联系开展技术交流并签订技术协议的投标人,将被拒绝投标。 (*)近*年内投标人必须具有同类设备设计及供货业绩。 **. 联合体投标: 本项目不允许联合体投标 **. 客服热线:****-***-***-**** (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询) 传真:****-**-******** 网上购标方法:具体操作方法详见宝华招标网“操作指南”。 项目经理:胡冬艳(有关招标项目商务、技术问题可致电项目经理。) 电 话:******** 传 真:******** 电子邮件:*********** 业务助理:方小慧 电 话:***-******** 招标机构地址:********路***弄果园公寓*号楼 邮 编:****** 收 款 人:************ 开户银行:建行宝钢**支行 人民币银行账号:******************** 欧元银行账号:******************** 美元银行账号:******************** 日元银行账号:******************** Swift Code:PCBCCNBJSHX Issue Date:****-**-** Tendering No.:****-*******GA*** baohua(Hereinafter referred to as Tendering Agency)is commissioned by Baosteel Co.,Ltd Cold Rolling Plant(Hereinafter referred to as tenderer)on international open bidding for the following goods required in Equipment of Indicator Gauge for C*** and invites eligible bidders to online e-bidding。 *. The name, quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods for tendering: *)The name:Indicator Gauge for C***; *)Quantity:* set; *)Technical specifications:*) Type selection and design: combination of line scan camera or array camera or line and plane camera; **) Resolution of camera: *.** x *.* (transverse x longitudinal) mm/pixel and higher. Besides, the impact of strip shaking on the measurement accuracy and corresponding scheme shall be taken into account. **) Defect detectibility: ≥ **% **) Classification accuracy: ≥**% **) Pass rate: ≤*% *) Data storage: ≥* year *) Operation rate of system: ≥**.*% *) Scanning width range: at least *,***mm (strip deviation range ±**mm) *) Testing software added has the functions of defect feature analysis, classification, classification, data maintenance and backup. **) Pre-classification of photo gallery waiting for selection is provided. When selecting the typical defect photos for the "sorter", the photo gallery has been pre-classified according to the defect attributes. Select from the pre-classified photo gallery. ***) Test sorter is provided. The "test sorter" can be displayed on the online interface with the "online sorter". At the same time, in offline test, it can compare and analyze the results of each sorter based on reference samples or steel coil. ***) It is equipped with "mobile defect positioning system" for quality control, and equipped with ** monitoring cameras. **) "Automatic tracking of quality processing location" is provided. **) Mobile terminal is provided. **) Real-time image function and video record function are provided. **) Recognizing and describing cyclic defect are available. **) Dynamic control is applied for light source. When production parameters change, continuous defect detection is kept. Please refer to Section * technical part for the detail.; *)Fund sources of goods:Self-raised funds(Cash items); *. Delivery time and place: *)Delivery place:CIP Shanghai *)Delivery time:FCA, * months after signing contract *. *The bidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on China International Bidding Website(http:///)),and register. Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annual review before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on China International Bidding Website. *. Baohua E-bidding website http://www.baosteelbidding.com)could also provide the information about tendering project of our company (except invitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to view relevant information. After login, the bidder could purchase tendering document and bid online. *. Time for purchasing Tendering Documents: Time for purchasing Tendering Documents:****-**-**~****-**-**(*:** -**:**, **:**-**:** each day, except for holidays). *. Sales prices of the tendering document:One complete set of Tendering Documents both in English and Chinese ( electronic version included). The Chinese language shall govern in case of any discrepancy between Chinese language and the English language. Sales price is CNY **** or USD ***。 All tendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section). After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tendering document and the template of bidding document. The tendering documents sales are non-refundable. *. Deadline for bid submission and Bid Opening Time: *)Deadline for bid submission and Bid Opening Time:****-**-** **:** (Beijing time). The bidder shall submit all bidding documents on Baohua tendering website before the bidding deadline. *. Bid opening style: E-bidding One-step of opening *. Biding opening place: *)Bid Opening Time:****-**-** **:** *) E-Biding opening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Tendering net **. *Requirements of Bidder’s qualification: *)Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:(*) If the bidder is an agent, it shall provide the manufacturer's exclusive authorization certificate of the project. (*) This project involves in online equipment and complicated on-site requirements, any bidder wishing to participate in the project shall contact the tenderee (contact: YU Hongyi, tel: ***-********) before the bid opening for technical exchange. The bidder shall contact the tenderee no later than ten days before the bid opening and carry out technical exchange. Any bidder failing to carry out technical exchange and signing technical agreement as required will be rejected. (*) Over recent * years, the bidder shall have the performance of similar equipment design and supply. **. Bidding consortium: This project no consortium bidding is accepted **. Customer service hotline:****-***-***-**** (consulting for bidders CA affairs) Fax:***-******** Online tendering document purchase:please refer to "HELP" for details on Baohua tendering website. Bid manager:Hu Dongyan(contact project leader for commercial, technical problems of tendering project) Tel:******** Fax:******** E-mail:*********** Business assistant:Fang Xiaohui Tel:***-******** Bid agency address:No.*, *** Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China Post code:****** Beneficiary: Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd. Bank account:China Construction Bank Baoshan Branch RMB Accounting Number:******************** EUR Accounting Number******************** USD Accounting Number:******************** JPY Accounting Number:******************** Swift Code:PCBCCNBJSHX


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