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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2022.12.14招标公告 > 广东省电力工业燃料有限公司进口煤采购招标公告(YDMTJJ2022315-316)


信息发布日期:2022.12.14 标签: 广东省招标 
地 区:广东省
内 容:**省电力工业燃料有限公司进口煤采购招标公告 Procurement Tender Notice by Guangdong Power Industry Fuel Co., Ltd **省电力工业燃料有限公司(简称“燃料公司”)现拟采购一批进口煤,有意供应的单位可发报价至指定邮箱,具体要求如下: G


Procurement Tender Notice by Guangdong Power Industry Fuel Co., Ltd



Guangdong Power Industry Fuel Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘Fuel Company’) is preparing a tender to purchase shipments of imported coal, if you have any interest, please send your Quotation:



Basic Content

1.1 报价方式:电子邮件***

Quotation Method: E-mail quotation.

1.2 投标人澄清截止时间:2022年12月15日17:00。

Deadline for clarifying for tenderer : 17:00 p.m.on 15th December,2022, Beijing time.

1.3 提交报价时间:2022年12月15日14:00–2022年12月16日10:00。

Time for offering tender quotation: from 14:00 p.m. on 15th December to 10:00 a.m. on 16th December , Beijing time.

1.4 报价接收:招标人以电子邮件***

Quotation recipients: coalimport@geg.com.cn is the only email address for participating this tender.


2. 其他详情请查看附件1《广东省电力工业燃料有限公司进口煤采购招标公告》。

Other detailed pls see the attachment 1.


3. 注意事项Matters needing attention:


Please be kindly noted that the updated contract formats and relevant attachments are all brand new versions in 2023.


Tenderer should use the import coal quotation format listed in the attachments, the quotation format is not permitted to alter, remove or add content, otherwise the quotation shall be regarded invalid.


Within time for offering bidding quotation, quotations are required to be sent once, if bidder amend the original quotation, , please specify ‘Subject to this email, please ignore previous quotation’ in the subjects of e-mail for the 2nd time. Besides, only one email sent by each tenderer is valid. If multiple emails are sent within the required time period, the last email received shall prevail.


如有疑问,欢迎来电联系。Any enquiries, welcome to contact us:

王怡然   (86) 20-85138105   wangyiran@geg.com.cn

詹冬玲  (86) 20-85138124   zhandongling@geg.com.cn


报价单位的资质备案邮件及资质澄清邮件,请按照附件1内容规定要求发送,并同时抄送此邮箱:zhandongling@geg.com.cn(詹冬玲 (86) 20-85138124 )。




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