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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2022.03.29招标公告 > 中国港湾工程有限责任公司哥伦比亚波哥大地铁一号线项目接触轨采购招标公告


信息发布日期:2022.03.29 标签: 北京市招标 
地 区:北京市
内 容:项目编号: ****年度CO-波哥大地铁一号线... 项目名称: 中港****年全年装备采购计划-哥伦比亚波哥... 发布时间:****-**-** **:** 公告 公告标题:中国港湾工程有限责任公司哥伦比亚波哥大地铁一号线项目接触轨采购招标公告 公告内容: 中国港湾工程有限责任公司 哥伦比亚波哥
项目编号: 2022年度CO-波哥大地铁一号线...
项目名称: 中港2022年全年装备采购计划-哥伦比亚波哥...
发布时间:2022-03-29 14:22










1. 招标文件发放时间:2022年03月29日至2022年04月05日(北京时间)。


2. 招标文件发放方式:通过中国交建供应链管理信息系统(以公开招标的方式发放。


3. 投标文件递交截止时间:2022年04月25日08:30 (北京时间)。


4. 投标文件递交地点:




5. 开标地点:中国交建供应链管理信息系统


6. 开标时间:投标截止日当日在中国交建供应链管理信息系统(http://empm.ccccltd.cn/)上开标,招标人有权推迟开标。


7. 投标人资质要求


7.1 Bidders should be legal persons registered in People’s Republic of China, Republic of Colombia or a third country, whose corporate purpose matches with the purpose of this Tender process, who are not involved in any conflict of interest under the terms established by the Tenderer, and that have experience, knowledge, and capacity to present the proposal and to celebrate and perform the contract.


投标人应是在中华人民共和国境内,哥伦比亚共和国境内或第三国注册的法人,其公司经营业务与满足本次招标要求,在招标人制定的条款下不涉及任何利  益冲突,并且有经验、知识和能力提交投标书以及履行合同。


7.2 The Bidders shall be the manufacturer that meets all the requirements of technical specification and quality standard of products, stated in the tender documents. Dealers are not acceptable for this Tender.




7.3 The Bidder shall provide project experience information in the past five years which complies the requirements of: i) Quantity of the application case of Conductor Rail product in metro industry is not less than six (6), with certification issued by a railway operator or authority; ii) At least one (1) application case of Conductor Rail product in overseas project, with supporting documents for reference.




7.4 Consortium bid is not acceptable for this Tender.




7.5 The Bidders shall not be involved in any Prohibited Practices, which include: (i) corrupt practices;(ii) fraudulent practices; (iii) coercive practices; (iv) collusive practices; (v) obstructive practices.




7.6 The Bidders shall not be in the penalty list of Multilateral Entity.




7.7 Should there be any Bidders fail to fulfil clause 3 requirement stated hereinabove; the Tenderer may invalidate and disqualify their participation in this process.




8.*:At this stage, the Tenderer will check whether the submitted documents meet the requirement of tender document. Tender will be rejected if the following situation is found:




(1) Bidding documents which are incomplete or not substantially responsive.




(2) The bidding document is NOT MARKED as per the instruction.




(3) There is no authorized digital signatory and company official stamp.




(4) The validity period of offer is not according to (or shorter than) the tender request.




(5) Any bidder who might have submitted TWO (2) different sets of tender documents in different content of offer and NOT clarifying which one is the MAIN tender content and which one is the ALTERNATIVE.




(6) Bidder who has quoted more than two different unit price to a specified similar product.




(7) The product and services quoted is NOT in substantial standard requested in the tender.




(8) The Bidder didn’t submit the Bid bond according to requirements of Tender document.




(9) The bidder’s qualification doesn’t meet the requirements of the tender documents.


(9) 投标人资格不符合招标文件要求。


(10) The bidder submits the tender documents in an illegal way.




The determination of the abovementioned decision shall be jointly confirmed by the Procurement Department of China Harbour Engineering Company and the Tender assessment team.






9.1 Bidders are required to submit a bid bond of 800,000 RMB or equivalent US dollars to the Tenderer for bid security (the exchange rate of USD shall be the rate of the date issuing the security). The validity of the bid bonds shall be 270 calendar days dated from bid closing date. During this period, the Bidder shall not withdraw the bidding documents, otherwise the Tenderer shall have the right to confiscate the bid bond;




9.2 The bid bond format will be accepted in the form of bank guarantee, the bank guarantee can be drawn on a bank in China or Columbia and acceptable to the Tenderer. The guarantee shall be delivered to the Tenderer before the bid closing date.




9.3 The original certificate of bid guarantee or bank transfer must be submitted to the Tenderer on the bid closing date. The form of bank transfer just applies to Chinese bidders. If bid bond is made by bank transfer, please remit it to the following bank and account number:


Account name: China Harbour Engineering Company., Ltd.


Account number: 11001007400059111111


Account Bank: Business Department, Beijing Dongsi Sub-branch, China Construction Bank


Please submit the original copy to the following address:


Address: Procurement Department, 19th Floor, Xinde Jinghui Center, No. 1 Xiangheyuan, Dongcheng District, Beijing (Postal Code: 100026)


Contact: Yu Xinchun


Contact number: 010-87403926


If the bank guarantee is drawn on a bank in Columbia, please submit the original copy to the following address:


Address: Colombia, Bogota, Calle 100 No.8a-49 World Trade Center, Torre B, office 1102.


Contact: Cheng Lizhuang


Contact number: +57-3059368891 / +86-13624286506






账  号:11001007400059111111




















9.4 The bid bond will be returned to Bidder 30 days after the Tenderer sign procurement contract with successful bidder and receive the performance bond according to the requirement of the contract.




9.5 The bid bond shall not be returned to the bidder when following cases occurs and the Tenderer keeps the right to claim:




(1) The Bidder withdraws or cancel the Bid viciously within the validity date;




(2) The successful Bidder did not supply the performance guaranty before the requested deadline;




(3) The successful Bidder did not sign the procurement contract with the Tenderer before the requested deadline.




(4) The successful Bidder subcontract the project to other company without the approval from the Tenderer.




(5) The successful Bidder did not perform the contract after signing (force majeure excluded)




(6) Other behaviors that against the Law of China or Colombia, and the requirement of the Tender.










邮箱: xcyu@chec.bj.cn;lizhuang.cheng@metro1.com.co




日期: 2022年03月29日




序号 附件名称 附件说明 操作


1接触轨中间接头 铝合金 4000A全线及车辆段内接触轨、接触轨防护系统1 套
序号 设备物资名称 设备物资说明 数量 单位
  • 华东: 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东
  • 华北: 北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古
  • 东北: 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江
  • 华南: 广东 广西 海南
  • 西北: 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆
  • 西南: 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏
  • 华中: 河南 湖北 湖南
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