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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2022.03.08招标公告 > 深腔自动硅铝丝键合机招标公告


信息发布日期:2022.03.08 标签: 陕西省招标 
地 区:陕西省
内 容: 深腔自动硅铝丝键合机国际招标公告 深腔自动硅铝丝键合机已具备招标条件,资金为国拨资金,资金已落实。**************(招标机构)受**微电子技术研究所(招标人)的委托,现对该项目进行国际公开招标。 *.招标产品的名称、数量及主要技术参数 *.*货物需求一览表 *.*.*货物名称:






1.1.2数    量:2台;

1.1.3交 货 期:投标方自报供货周期,要求合同签定后3个月内交货,具体到货时间以买方通知为准;




1.2主要技术参数:具体技术指标,详见第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格;









2.7 其他要求:法律规定的其他要求。


3.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于2022年03月09日至2022年03月16日(法定节假日除外),每日上午09时至11时,下午02时至04时(北京时间,下同),将单位全称、联系人姓名、联系方式以及欲参加项目的项目名称发送到gkzb123456@163.com(刘工,联系电话***

3.2 招标文件售价:每包500元人民币或85美元(招标文件售后不退)。


4.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2022年03月30日09时00分,地点为陕西省西安市雁塔区太白南路悦熙广场1号楼21层2102号会议室。

4.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。





7. 联系方式***

招 标 人:西安微电子技术研究所

地    址:陕西省西安市太白南路198号

邮    编:710065

联 系 人***

电    话:029-88609000

传    真:029-88895820



地    址:陕西省西安市雁塔区太白南路悦熙广场1号楼21层2103室

邮    编:710000

联 系 人***

电    话:029-81871054

传    真:/

Notice of International Tender for deep cavity automatic silicon aluminum wire bonding machine

Deep cavity automatic silicon aluminum wire bonding machine has met the bidding conditions, funds for the state allocation of funds, funds have been implemented. Entrusted by Xi 'an Institute of Microelectronics Technology (the tenderee), Beijing Guoke Junyou Engineering Consulting Co., LTD. (the tendering agency) is now conducting international public bidding for this project.

1. Name, quantity and main technical parameters of the bidding products

1.1 List of Goods requirements

1.1.1 Name of goods: Deep cavity automatic silicon aluminum wire bonding machine;

1.1.2 Quantity: 2 sets;

1.1.3 Delivery time: The bidder shall report the delivery period by itself and shall deliver the goods within 3 months after signing the contract. The specific delivery time shall be subject to the notice of the buyer.

1.1.4 Place of Delivery:

Destination port of goods supplied from abroad: CIP Xi 'an Xianyang International Airport;

The place of arrival of goods to be supplied within China: the designated place of Xi 'an Microelectronics Technology Research Institute (within the urban area of Xi 'an);

1.2 Main technical parameters: for specific technical indicators, see Chapter 8 List of Goods Requirements and technical specifications;

1.3 Bidding Number: 1473-2240GK03H013.

2. Qualification requirements for bidders

2.1 The bidder shall be an independent legal entity, able to bear civil liability independently, with valid business license or valid company registration certificate;

2.2 If the bidder is an agent, the original or copy of the manufacturer's letter of authorization must be provided (the copy must be stamped with the bidder's official seal);

2.3 The bidder shall provide the original or copy of the manufacturer's after-sales service commitment (the copy shall be stamped with the bidder's official seal);

2.4 The foreign bidder shall provide the original or copy of the credit certificate issued by the bank within three months prior to the date of bid opening; Domestic bidders shall provide the original or copy of the bank credit certificate issued by the bank with which they opened the basic account within three months prior to the date of bid opening; (Original for on-site reference)

2.5 Consortium bids are not accepted for the project;

2.6 The bidder must purchase the bidding documents from the tendering institution and register before being qualified to bid.

2.7 Other Requirements: other requirements stipulated by law.

3. Acquisition of bidding documents

3.1 Tenderers who wish to participate in the bidding process are requested to participate in the bidding process from 09 March 2022 to 16 March 2022 (except public holidays), from 09 am to 11 am and from 02 PM to 04 PM (Beijing Time, the same hereinafter). Send the full name of the company, contact person's name, contact information and the project name of the project to gkzb123456@163.com (Liu Gong, tel: 029-81871054) for registration and purchase of bidding documents.

3.2 Price of bidding documents: RMB 500 or USD 85 per package (bidding documents are not refundable after sale).

4. Submission of bidding documents

4.1 The deadline for submission of bid documents (bid deadline, the same below) is 09:00, March 30, 2022, in Conference Room 2102, Floor 21, Building 1, Yuexi Plaza, South Taibai Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an, Shaanxi province.

4.2 The tenderer shall not accept the bid documents that are overdue or not delivered to the designated place.

5. The bid opening

The bid opening time is 09:00 on March 30, 2022, and the bid opening place is Conference Room 2102, Floor 21, Building 1, Yuexi Plaza, South Taibai Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province.

6. Medium of announcement

The tender announcement will be published on the designated media in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

7. Contact information

Tenderee: Xi 'an Institute of Microelectronics Technology

Address: 198 Taibai South Road, Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province

Mail editor: 710065

Contact person: Li Hong

Telephone: 029-88609000

The true: 029-88895820

Email: gkzbqqy@126.com

Bidding Agency: Beijing Guoke Junyou Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room 2103, Floor 21, Building 1, Yuexi Plaza, South Taibai Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an, Shaanxi

Mail editor: 710000

Contact person: Ningning Liu

Telephone: 029-81871054

The true: /

Email: gkzb123456@163.com

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