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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2021.12.02招标公告 > 嘉兴市中央公园改造提升设计方案公开征集预公告


信息发布日期:2021.12.02 标签: 浙江省招标 嘉兴市招标 设计招标 公园招标 
地 区:嘉兴市
内 容: ****央公园改造提升设计方案 公开征集预公告 Pre-Announcement: SolicitationofRe-construction and Upgrading Design forJiaxingCentral Park 一、项目背景 *.Background **中央公园作为城*绿心,
关键词: 设计 公园





Solicitation of Re-construction and Upgrading Design for  Jiaxing Central Park


一、 项目背景

1. Background



As the green heart of the city, Jiaxing Central Park is a carrier of Jiaxing’s history and culture, a demonstration of ecological civilization and a living room for people’s lives. It carries the important mission of enhancing the coordinated development of Jiaxing’s ecology, culture, and economy, and is an important part of Jiaxing’s realization of a new leap in the city’s energy level. One of the starting points is of great significance to the improvement of the quality of Jiaxing city.

In order to meet the high-point positioning requirements, the Central Park design plan adopts an international solicitation method, aiming to solicit forward-looking, innovative and implementable design plans from top domestic and foreign design institutions.

二、 组织机构

2. Organizing units




Hosts: Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Jiaxing

Organizer: Jiaxing Modernservice Industry Development & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.

Technical support: Professor Shen Lei City Chief Planner Team


As the technical support team, Professor Shen Lei City Chief Planner Team which has successfully organized the international solicitation for key projects of urban planning, urban design, architectural design, landscape design in Jiaxing, will provide technical guidance for the whole process.


三、 设计范围

3. Design Scope


The landscape design scope of the Central Park extends from Fanggong Road (about 3.2 kilometers in length) in the east, Zhili Road in the south (about 1.0 kilometers in length), Nanhu Avenue (about 3.2 kilometers in length) in the west, and Zhonghuan South Road (about 0.7 kilometers in length) in the north. , Including the current sports park, children’s park, Jiaxing Botanical Garden, and part of the urban land on the west side of Haiyantang and the east side of Nanhu Avenue, one of the "Nine Waters Linking Heart", with a total area of about 4750 mu. At the same time, it is necessary to make suggestions on the landscape of the coordination area around the Central Park.


设计范围 Design Scope

四、 设计目标

4. Objective


长三角一体化发展上升为国家战略,明确提出建设长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区。各个城市都在结合自身禀赋和优势,积极服务和融入区域一体化格局。嘉兴作为杭嘉湖平原腹地,处江河湖海交会之位,沪、杭、苏、甬四个万亿级大都市中心,绿色、生态、人文价值优势是嘉兴融入长三角一体化发展国家战略的先手棋、突破口。作为嘉兴最大面积的城市公园,对外交通便利,临近长三角高铁枢纽站,且是嘉兴绿色底板中的重要核心,有潜力打造长三角城市群的“中央公园”、“ 城市客厅” 。

1. Urban living room in a world-class metropolitan area

The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy, and it is clearly proposed to build a demonstration zone for the development of ecological green integration in the Yangtze River Delta. Each city is combining its own endowments and advantages to actively serve and integrate into the pattern of regional integration. As the hinterland of the Hangjiahu Plain, Jiaxing is located at the intersection of rivers, lakes and seas. The four trillion-level metropolitan centers of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo. The advantages of green, ecological and human values are the first move for Jiaxing to integrate into the national strategy of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta. , Breakthrough. As the largest urban park in Jiaxing, it has convenient external transportation. It is close to the Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail hub station and is an important core of Jiaxing's green floor. It has the potential to create a "central park" and "urban living room" for the Yangtze River Delta city cluster.



2. World-class iconic city park

Jiaxing's "Nine Waters Connecting Heart", with blue and green background, has the potential to create a world-class water city and a model of ecological livability. The design area of Jiaxing Central Park is almost the same as that of New York Central Park. It is benchmarked against world-class urban parks, implementing low-carbon techniques, cutting-edge technology, creating a diverse ecosystem, applying demonstrations and promoting ecological technology functions, and creating demonstration projects with international standards and quality. Enhance the brand value of Jiaxing Eco-city.



3. Ecologically vigorous cultural landmark

Through the improvement of the overall quality of the Central Park, the introduction of functions, and the upgrading of business formats, the development of surrounding areas with cultural landmarks will be used to create a new engine for the development of the hinterland between Jiaxing South Lake and the new high-speed rail city, and create a source of urban vitality that is livable, business-friendly and travel-friendly. Promote the improvement of the city's energy level.

五、 设计内容

5.  Design content


The design content includes the functional positioning and development strategy of the Central Park, overall design, spatial pattern and functional design, characteristic culture and style, ecological function, planting design, sketch logo design, smart garden, vertical design, transportation system design, sponge city, Suggestions on the development of surrounding areas, construction timing, investment estimates, etc.


六、 时间计划

6. Schedule

2021年12月1日  预公告发布

2021年12月6日  正式发布公告

2021年12月10日  报名截止

2021年12月11日  资格预审,确定5家入围设计团队

2021年12月12日  项目设计启动会

2021年12月31日  中期交流

2022年1月30日前 提交设计方案,举行终期评审会

December 1, 2021 Pre-Announcement Release

Announcement will be officially released on December 6, 2021

December 10, 2021 Registration deadline

December 11, 2021 Pre-qualification, 5 shortlisted design teams determined

December 12, 2021 Project design kick-off meeting

December 31, 2021 Mid-term exchange

Submit the design plan before January 30, 2022, and hold the final review meeting

七、 应征要求

7. Qualification Requirements of Applicants





The applicant (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant") shall be a legally registered legal entity or a project consortium composed of legally registered legal entities (member institutions shall not exceed 3).

The applicant should have the relevant qualifications and ability to undertake this project (meet one of the following conditions)

(1) Applicants within the territory of the People's Republic of China provide certification materials that can prove their professional and technical ability to undertake landscape design, urban planning, and architectural design, such as a special Class A qualification certificate for landscape engineering design;

(2) Planning and design institutions outside the People's Republic of China must have a professional license or business license for landscape design, urban planning, and architectural design in accordance with the management regulations of their country or region. The qualification requirements of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan design institutions shall refer to the requirements of overseas design institutions.

八、 奖金

8. Bonus



1. 1 first prize, 2 million yuan (tax included);

2. The 4 second prizes will be awarded RMB 1 million (tax included).


九、 预报名方式

9. Forecast name method




(Scan the QR code to link to the forecast name


相关事宜请咨询:沈磊教授总师团队 胡女士



咨询时间:(周一至周五 9:00-12:00,14:00-17:00)


For related matters, please consult: Ms. Hu(Professor Shen Lei City Chief Planner Team)

Phone: 13032266490

Email: cecainter@163.com

Consultation time: (Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00)

Note: This link is a link to the forecast name. The design team can modify and repeat submissions according to the actual situation. The paper version of the application materials shall prevail for the public call for registration.



Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Jiaxing


Jiaxing Modernservice Industry Development & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.


                      December 1, 2021      

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