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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2021.11.18招标公告 > 国际工程-越同维电子厂房工程-高压进线及变压器供应及安装


信息发布日期:2021.11.18 标签: 上海市招标 变压器招标 
地 区:上海市
内 容:招标编码: ********** 招标名称: 国际工程-越同维电子厂房工程-高压进线及变压器供应及安装 采购联系人: 董子璇 采购联系人电话: ***-******** 采购联系人传真号: 采购联系人EMAIL: **宝冶集团有限公司招标公告 Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Lt
关键词: 变压器
招标编码: 2021114530  招标名称: 国际工程-越同维电子厂房工程-高压进线及变压器供应及安装  采购联系人*** ***
采购联系人电话:*** *** 采购联系人*** *** 采购联系人*** ***
上海宝冶集团有限公司  招标公告
Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd   Tender announcement
Tongwei Electronics (Vietnam) industrial plant project is now undertaken by Tongwei Electronics (Vietnam) industrial plant project Department of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. the project has met the bidding conditions. In order to better perform the contract of the project and achieve the predetermined objectives specified in the contract, Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. is now inviting public bidding in accordance with the relevant provisions of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd.
一、 招标编号:201312-2020-S1GE53120200004-专业分包-高压进线及变压器供应及安装招标025
二、 招标工程项目名称:同维电子(越南)工业厂房工程项目
2.Name of bidding project: Tongwei Electronics (Vietnam) industrial plant project
三、 招标工程项目地点:越南海防安阳工业园CN12-C-04,CN12-C-05部分地块  
3.Bidding project location: some plots of cn12-c-04, cn12-c-05, Anyang Industrial Park, Haiphong, Vietnam
四、 招标工程范围:包括本项目高压进线及变压器供应及安装等。
五、 招标工程内容:包括本项目高压进线及变压器供应及安装等。
六、 工期要求:
七、 工程质量要求:以越南国家、行业及工程所在地标准、规范为准,未有明确标准和规范的,参照中国国家、行业及工程所在地标准、规范。如国家、政府、工程所在地、建设管理部门、相关行业等政策、法规、规范、标准、规定存在不一致时, 以较严格者为准。特殊要求:符合越南国家、行业及工程所在地标准、规范。
7.Project quality requirements: The national, industrial and local standards and specifications of Vietnam shall prevail. In case of no clear standards and specifications, the national, industrial and local standards and specifications of China shall prevail. In case of any inconsistency in policies, regulations, specifications, standards and regulations of the state, government, project location, construction management department and relevant industries, the more stringent one shall prevail. Special requirements: comply with the national, industrial and local standards and specifications of Vietnam.                                          
八、 招标标段划分:    1个标段        
8.Division of bidding tenders: one
九、 □是   √否  发布招标控制价,若发布,招标控制价为   /美元  
9. £Yes  RNo bidding control price will be issued; if issued, the bidding control price  /  
十、 现场勘察时间     /    ,地点:      /     ,√是   □否  自行勘察。
10. On site investigation time  /  , place:  /  , √Yes, £No self investigation.
十一、 标前答疑会:□有  √无 ,若有,则为     年    月    日   时   分。
标前答疑会地点:                /                 
11. Pre bid Q & a meeting: £Yes √No, if yes, it is / year / month / day / hour / min.Venue of pre bid meeting:        /   
十二、 报名须知Notes for registration
1、 □是   √否  须资格预审□ Yes √ No  prequalification required
1.1.If prequalification is required, application for prequalification and acquisition of Prequalification documents:
1.1.1 中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台内供应商:登陆网址(http://ec.mcc.com.cn/,以下简称采购平台),获取资格预审文件报名。
1.1.1Suppliers in purchasing e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd.: login website (http:// ec.mcc.com . CN /, hereinafter referred to as the procurement platform).
1.1.2 Suppliers outside the e-commerce platform purchased by China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd.: the bidder who intends to apply for the project must purchase the e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd. (http: http: www.minmetals.com)// ec.mcc.com . CN /, hereinafter referred to as the "procurement platform)" system to become a full member, log in to the procurement platform system to download the prequalification documents.
1.1.3 中国境外公司,资格预审文件通过招标办公室邮箱发送至邀标人指定邮箱。
1.1.3 For companies outside China, the prequalification documents shall be sent to the email address designated by the bid inviting party through the email address of the bidding office.
2、 资格预审文件的递交(本次招标不适用):Submission of prequalification documents (not applicable for this tender):
2.1递交资格预审申请文件截止时间为   /  年  /  月 /  日   / : / 时(北京时间),逾期将不能提交资格预审申请文件,投标人登陆采购平台查询资格预审结果,预审合格后方可参与投标。 The deadline for submitting the prequalification application documents is    /    , and the bidder will not be able to submit the prequalification application documents after the deadline. The bidder can log on the procurement platform to query the prequalification results, and can participate in the bidding only after the pre qualification is qualified.
2.2 境外企业暂无法使用中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台的,请参照预审公告邮件附件要求,提交相关资格预审文件,并通过邮件的方式,予以提交。邮件回复地址:*** 招标办邮箱gjzbb@sbc-mcc.com gjzbb@sbc-mcc.com
2.2 If overseas enterprises are unable to use the e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd., please refer to the Attachment requirements of the pre qualification announcement email and submit the relevant prequalification documents by email. Email reply address: email address of bidding Office gjzbb@sbc-mcc.com
3、 招标文件的获取:Acquisition of bidding documents:
 3.1 登陆中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台(http://ec.mcc.com.cn/)自行下载招标文件,并依据文件要求于平台上在投标截止日期前进行网上投标。
3.1 log in to the procurement e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd. (http: / / EC. MCC. Com. CN /) to download the bidding documents, and conduct online bidding on the platform before the deadline of bidding according to the requirements of the documents.
3.2 上海宝冶集团有限公司招标办公室通过邮件统一发送招标文件至投标人指定邮箱,投标人必须依据文件要求在投标截止日期前进行邮件回复投标。
3.2 the bidding Office of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. uniformly sends the bidding documents to the designated mailbox of the bidder by email, and the bidder must reply the bid by email before the deadline of bidding according to the requirements of the documents.
4. All bidding materials of the project are downloaded in the specified electronic format.
十三、评标办法:1、□合理低价法    2、√综合评估法   3、□其他          
13、 Methods of bid evaluation: 1. Reasonable low price method 2. √ Comprehensive evaluation method 3. Others.
十三、 本次招标投保证金按 (1) 进行缴纳;
13.The insurance deposit of this bidding shall be paid according to (1);
(1) No bid bond will be charged for this bidding, but the bid winner must complete the bidding project according to the bid winning unit price and bidding commitment. If Party B breaches the contract. 5% of the bid amount, and compensate Party A for the actual loss of the project. Any of the following circumstances shall be deemed as breach of contract:
1. The Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity;
2. The bidder bids in the name of others or is suspected of bidding in the name of encirclement, collusion or fraud;
3. The successful bidder fails to sign the contract with the bid inviting party within the specified time;
4. The successful bidder refuses to sign the project construction contract for any reason
(2)用投标单位在宝冶项目的应收账款或质保金抵押支付投标保证金,金额为 美金;如第一次参加我司的招标活动,无上述款项进行抵押支付,投标单位需在投标截止日前将投标保证金缴纳至招标人指定账户,或者开具相应期限相应金额的银行保函,或者向我司开具相应金额的支票。
(2) The bid security shall be paid with the accounts receivable or quality guarantee deposit of the bidder in Baoye project, with the amount of US dollars; If participating in the bidding activities of our company for the first time and no mortgage payment is made for the above-mentioned funds, the bidder shall pay the bid security to the account designated by the bidder before the deadline of bidding, or issue a bank guarantee of corresponding amount within corresponding period, or issue a check of corresponding amount to our company.
(3)直接缴纳投标保证金   美元,保证金应于投标截止日前缴纳到招标人指定账户(招标人:户名:SHANGHAI BAOYE CAMBODIA CO LTD、开户银行:BANK OF CHINA(HONG KONG)PHNOM PENH BRANCH、账号: 100001100339143 、银行代码: BKCHKHPP )。在投标截止时间前,投标保证金未按规定转入招标人账户,则投标人的投标无效,不予开标。
(3) The bid security shall be paid directly in US dollars, which shall be paid to the account designated by the bid inviting party (the bid inviting party: Account Name: Shanghai Bay Cambodia Co Ltd, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Phnom Penh branch, account number: 100001100339143, bank code: bkchkhpp) before the bid deadline. If the bid security is not transferred into the account of the bid inviting party before the deadline for bid submission, the bid of the bidder shall be invalid and the bid shall not be opened.
十四、投标截止时间及开标时间:Deadline for bid submission and time for bid opening:
1、 投标截止时间: 2021 年 11 月23日,17:00时(北京时间)
2、 开标时间: 2021 年11 月23日,  17:00时(北京时间)
Bid inviting party: Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd
Contact person: Dong Zixuan
E-mail address: gjzbb@sbc-mcc.com

*** 物资描述 计量单位 采购数量 税率 交货日期 报价要求
高压配电安装工程  项  1.0000  0.10  2021-12-01  技术标准:计量方式:付款方式:送货地点:工程部位:收料人姓名:联系方式***
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