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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2021.10.18招标公告 > 天津大学佐治亚理工深圳学院校区建设全过程设计公开招标


信息发布日期:2021.10.18 标签: 广东省招标 
地 区:广东省
内 容:**大学佐治亚理工**学院(以下简称“**学院”)由**大学和佐治亚理工学院作为平等伙伴**办学,项目引进佐治亚理工学院先进的教育模式和优质的教育**,发挥**大学在国内工程教育领域的突出优势。 GTSI is a joint institute between Tianjin Univer


GTSI is a joint institute between Tianjin University and Georgia Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “Georgia Tech”). It introduces the excellent educational practices and resources of Georgia Tech, and gives full play to the outstanding advantages of Tianjin University as a leading engineering education institution in China.

天津大学前身为北洋大学,始建于 1895 年,是中国第一所现代大学,开创中国近代高等教育之先河。学校坚持“强工、厚理、振文、兴医”的发展理念,形成了工科优势明显、理工结合,经、管、文、法、医、教育、艺术、哲学等多学科协调发展的综合学科布局。目前学校已成为一所师资力量雄厚、学科特色鲜明、教育质量和科研水平居于国内一流、在国际上有较大影响的高水平研究型大学。

Formerly named Peiyang University, Tianjin University was founded in 1895. It is the first modern university in China, creating a precedent for higher education in modern China. The university adheres to the development concept of “strengthening engineering, focusing on sciences, revitalizing arts and medicine”, forming a comprehensive discipline layout in which engineering is the main priority, sciences are combined with the arts, and multiple disciplines coordinate with each other, including economics, management, culture, law, medicine, education, art, and philosophy. At present, the university has become a high-level research university with strong faculty, distinct disciplines, first-class education quality and scientific research level and international influence.

佐治亚理工学院成立于 1885 年,以严谨的治学风格而闻名。佐治亚理工学院因其专注于先进技术和科学研究,致力以技术变革推动人类发展而享誉全美,围绕“进步与服务”的校训成为全球知名的顶尖科技型大学。

The founding of Georgia Tech in 1885 signaled the beginning of the transformation of the agrarian South to an industrial economy. Georgia Tech is renowned for its rigorous academic style. It is well-known throughout the United States for its focus on advanced technologies and scientific research; its mission is to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. Guided by its motto “Progress and Service”, Georgia Tech is now a highly ranked university in the world leading in engineering and technology fields.


Established in Shenzhen, GTSI aspires to become a world-class educational institution and serve as a bridge between the peoples of China and the United States. It will develop innovative approaches to engineering education, striving to become a model for “New Engineering” education in China. GTSI will prepare its students to use innovative skills and strong work ethic to solve real-world problems and improve the lives of people around the globe.

02 项目概况 Project Overview
项目位于中国广东省深圳市南山区西丽湖国际科教城白石岭片区。 The project is located in the Baishiling area of Xili Lake International Science and Education City, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
西丽湖国际科教城是广深港澳科技创新走廊的核心节点,包括深圳大学城、留仙洞总部基地、南山智园、南山智城、大学城创客小镇等重要创新载体,是深圳创建综合性科学中心的重要支撑。目前已建大学 7 所,占全市高教资源近一半。同时吸引了大量的头部企业、初创企业入驻,形成了良好的企业生态圈。区域围绕高科技产业,产学研用紧密结合,形成了完整的创新链条。 Xili Lake International Science and Education City is a key node of the “GuangzhouShenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao” innovation and technology corridor, including important innovation platforms such as the University Town of Shenzhen, Liuxiandong Headquarters Base, Nanshan I Park, Nanshan I City, and the Maker Town at the University Town. It plays an important part in the establishment of a comprehensive science center in Shenzhen. At present, 7 universities have been built in this area, accounting for nearly half of the higher educational resources in the city. Meanwhile, it has attracted a large number of enterprise headquarters and start-ups, forming a favorable eco-system for businesses. This area has a focus on high-tech industries, and integrates manufacturing with education and research, forming a complete innovation chain.
图 1. 本项目地理位置图 Fig. 1 Location Map of the Project
图 2. 项目区位交通示意图
Fig. 2 Schematic Traffic at the Project Location
图 3. 周边交通现状及规划
Fig. 3 Surrounding Traffic Situation Planning

03 招标范围 Tender Scope
深圳学院办学总规模为3000人,全日制本科生和研究生比例为1:1。校区建设用地面积16.21公顷,总建筑面积约19万平方米。 The total scale of Shenzhen University is 3,000, and the ratio of full-time undergraduates to postgraduates is 1:1. The construction area of the campus is 16.21 hectares, and the total construction area is about 190,000 square meters.
建设内容包括:教室、教学实验室、办公用房、图书馆、学生活动中心、学生宿舍、教师宿舍、食堂、体育场馆及体育设施、科研中心及重点实验室、垃圾分类集约处置与利用示范中心、国际会议中心、后勤附属用房、地下车库及设备用房。 The construction content includes: classrooms, teaching laboratories, office buildings, libraries, student activity centers, student dormitories, teacher dormitories, canteens, stadiums and sports facilities, scientific research centers and key laboratories, and a demonstration center for waste sorting and intensive disposal and utilization , International Conference Center, logistic ancillary rooms, underground garages and equipment rooms.
校区建设倡导运用低碳、绿色、可持续的规划理念及设计方法,通过节能减排、可再生能源利用、生态固碳等途径,打造具有示范意义的近零碳校园,助力实现碳中和目标。 The campus construction advocates the use of low-carbon, green, and sustainable planning concepts and design methods, through energy conservation and emission reduction, renewable energy utilization, and ecological carbon sequestration, to create a demonstrative near-zero carbon campus and help achieve the goal of carbon neutrality .
本项目设计内容为全过程设计。建筑各项设计须严格满足国家及深圳现行有关规范或规定的要求。 The design content of this project is the whole process design. The design of the building must strictly meet the requirements of the relevant national and Shenzhen current regulations or regulations.

04 招标规则 Tender Rules
本项目采用“公开招标”的方式,分为资格预审阶段、方案竞标阶段、定标阶段。 The project adopts the method of "open bidding", which is divided into pre-qualification, design competition and final evaluation stages.
1.资格预审阶段 1.Prequalification Stage
本项目资格预审阶段将采用暗标形式对概念提案进行评审,采用明标形式对资信文件进行复核,最后综合概念提案评审结果和资信文件复核情况确定7家入围单位及2家有排序备选单位。 In the pre-qualification phase of this project, the concept proposal will be reviewed in the form of hidden bids, and the credit documents will be reviewed in the form of open bids. Finally, 7 shortlisted units and 2 ranked candidates will be determined based on the review results of the concept proposal and the review of credit documents.
2.方案竞标阶段 2.Bid Determination Stage
投标人提交符合设计任务书要求的成果文件,由招标人组建评标委员会,采用记名投票法进行评审,推荐3名无排序中标候选人。 The bidder submits the result documents that meet the requirements of the design assignment, and the tenderer will set up a bid evaluation committee, which will be evaluated by registered voting, and 3 unranked winning bid candidates will be recommended.
3.定标阶段 3.Final Evaluation Stage
由招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从方案评审委员会推荐的中标候选人中确定1名中标人。 The tenderee sets up a bid determination committee in accordance with laws and regulations, and determine 1 winning bidder from the shortlisted candidates recommended by the scheme review committee.

05 报名要求 Application Requirements
1.投标申请人须是注册的企业或机构。 1.Applicants must be domestic or overseas entities with legal business registration.
2.投标人须具备建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级或以上设计资质。 2.Applicants must be class-A qualification/certificate in Chinese architecture design and construction industry (Construction Engineering).
3.本项目接受联合体投标,不接受个人或个人组合的报名。以联合体投标的合作方需符合以下要求: 3.Application as a joint group is allowed in this tender project. Individuals or teams of individuals are unaccepted. Requirements for joint groups are as below:
(1)联合体牵头单位须具备建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质或以上设计资质。 (1)Lead Member of the consortium shall have Class A qualification or above in the construction industry (Construction engineering).
(2)联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名。 (2)Members of a joint group should not re-apply for the bid independently nor should they form another joint group with other design institutes for registration in any way.
(3)联合体合作方需签署具法律效用的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,各方的工作分工、权益份额等。 (3)A Joint Group Agreement with legal effect is required to clarify the leading member, equity share, proposed working responsibilities, division of work and so on.

06 设计费 Design Fee
本次招标控制价暂定为人民币3674万元。 The tender controlling price is tentatively set at RMB 36.74million Yuan.

07 招标日程 Tender Schedule

08 信息发布
Tender Announcement
1. 招标公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为深圳建设工程交易服务网。请前往“深圳建设工程交易服务网-招标公告”,查看公告及下载资格预审文件(点击文末“阅读原文”可直接跳转): https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac27c12600c017c2687887113ad 1. The official platform for the bidding announcement, follow-up Q A, and supplementary documents is the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service Network. Please go to "Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service Network-Bidding Announcement" to view the announcement and download the prequalification documents (click "Read the original text" at the end of the article to jump directly): https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac27c12600c017c2687887113ad
2.未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记过的设计单位,须前往 https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/ 提前进行登记;以联合体报名的各个成员单位都需要进行网上注册登记。 2.Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/; Each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.
3.下载《深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记操作指引》,请前往链接: https://w.url.cn/s/AsKJ9IZ. 3.Please click here to download the manual for conducting online enterprise information registration: https://w.url.cn/s/AsKJ9IZ.

09 组织机构 Organization
招标方:深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心企业信息 Tenderee: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality
招标协助方:深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心 Co-organizer:GUANZHU
咨询邮箱:gtsi_guanzhu@126.com Enquiry Email: gtsi_guanzhu@126.com
主办方对本次公开招标规则拥有最终解释权。解释语言以中文为准。 The Organizer reserves the right for the interpretation of the open bidding, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.

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