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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2021.09.30招标公告 > 2021年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——贸易救济和贸易壁垒应对子库-贸易壁垒和337应对公开招标公告/AnnouncementforPublicBidof2021MinistryofCommerce'sLawFirmLibraryBidProject-TradeRemediesandTradeBarrierResponseSub-library-TradeBarrierandUSSection337Response


信息发布日期:2021.09.30 标签: 北京市招标 
地 区:北京市
内 容:附件*附件 平台操作指导手册Platform Operation Instruction Manual for details.docx附件**Y***—贸易壁垒应对招标公告.docx 项目概况 ****年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——贸易救济和贸易壁垒应对子库-贸易壁垒和***应对/Public
附件1 附件 平台操作指导手册Platform Operation Instruction Manual for details.docx附件2 2Y038—贸易壁垒应对招标公告.docx


2021年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——贸易救济和贸易壁垒应对子库-贸易壁垒和337应对/Public Bid of 2021 Ministry of Commerce's Law Firm Library Bid Project-Trade Remedies and Trade Barrier Response Sub-library-Trade Barrier and US Section 337 Response 招标项目的潜在投标人应在中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。本项目招标文件采用线上方式获取,不向投标人提供纸质招标文件/http://www.china-tender.com.cn, China General Bid Network. The bid documents of this project are available online, and no paper bid documents are provided to bidders.Refer to Other supplementary matters获取招标文件,并于2021年11月02日 09点30分(北京时间)前递交投标文件。



项目名称:2021年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——贸易救济和贸易壁垒应对子库-贸易壁垒和337应对/Public Bid of 2021 Ministry of Commerce's Law Firm Library Bid Project-Trade Remedies and Trade Barrier Response Sub-library-Trade Barrier and US Section 337 Response

预算金额:0.0000000 万元(人民币)


Purchasing demand:

(1)Functions or objectives to be achieved in the procurement object;

Collect, collate and translate relevant materials for cases by Section 337 Investigations of the United States, provide consulting services including basic fact judgment, legal analysis and interest focus of interested parties, and issue written legal opinions; make research and comment, etc.

(2)Relevant national standards, industry standards, local standards or other standards and specifications to be implemented for the procurement object;

Meet the requirements of laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

(3)Quality, safety, technical specifications, physical characteristics and other requirements to be met for the procurement object;

Be able to cooperate closely and actively with the entrusting party, other entrusted law firms (if any), relevant departments and other units.

(4) The quantity of procurement object, the time and place of delivery or implementation of procurement items;


Bid No.


Package No.


Name of Package


Max. number of winning bidders



Trade Barriers and US Section 337 Response (domestic law firms).



Trade Barriers andUS Section 337 Response (overseas law firms).



(5) Service standards, deadlines, efficiency and other requirements to be met for the procurement object;

The number of team members is sufficient, and the members have professional standards and relevant experience in providing legal services that meet the requirements of work quality.

(6)Acceptance criteria for procurement object;

Be able to sort out, archive and deliver relevant working documents to the entrusting party in time.

(7)Other technical and service requirements for the procurement object.



合同履行期限:本项目服务有效期为2022年1月1日开始至2024年12 月31日为止。 Contract performance period: The service term of the project is from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024.

本项目( 不接受  )联合体投标。




Qualifications for implementing the government's procurement policy: None.

3.本项目的特定资格要求:Specific qualification requirements of this project:(1)第1包投标人不得为“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)中列入失信被执行人和重大税收违法案件当事人名单的投标人,不得为中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单中被财政部门禁止参加政府采购活动的投标人(处罚决定规定的时间和地域范围内)。信用信息截止时点为开标当日;(1) The bidder in the Package 1 shall not be the bidder listed on the website of Credit China (www.creditchina.gov.cn) as the executor of dishonesty and the Litigant List of Major Tax Violation Cases, and shall not be the bidder who is in the record list of serious illegal dishonesty of government procurement of China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn) and is banned from participating in government procurement activities by the financial department (within the time and geographical scope specified in the penalty decision). The deadline of credit information is the day of bid opening;(2)投标人应获取本项目招标文件。(2) The bidder shall obtain the bid documents of this project.


时间:2021年09月30日  至 2021年10月22日,每天上午9:30至12:00,下午12:00至16:00。(北京时间,法定节假日除外)

地点:中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。本项目招标文件采用线上方式获取,不向投标人提供纸质招标文件/http://www.china-tender.com.cn, China General Bid Network. The bid documents of this project are available online, and no paper bid documents are provided to bidders.Refer to Other supplementary matters

方式:Obtain the bidding documents1.时间:2021年9月30日上午9:30至2021年10月22日下午16:00(北京时间)1. Time: from 9:30 a.m. September 30th, 2021 to 4:00 p.m. October 22nd, 2021(Beijing time).2.地点:中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。本项目招标文件采用线上方式获取,不向投标人提供纸质招标文件2. Location: http://www.china-tender.com.cn, China General Bid Network.The bid documents of this project are available online, and no paper bid documents are provided to bidders.3.方式:3. Way:(1)有意向的投标人应先在中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn免费注册(具体详见:附件 平台投标指导书 (供应商全电子流程操作手册)),注册审核电话:***

售价:¥0.0 元,本公告包含的招标文件售价总和


提交投标文件截止时间:2021年11月02日 09点30分(北京时间)

开标时间:2021年11月02日 09点30分(北京时间)

地点:线上开标。中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。Online bid opening. China General Bid Network




The qualification requirements for applicants

1. The bidders shall be a legally registered law firm, and the nationality of the bidder shall be consistent with the name of the package (sub-library).Package 1 The bidder of China Law Firm shall be a law firm registered in Chinese mainland;

2. It shall have the ability to independently bear civil liability;

3. It shall have good business reputation and sound financial accounting system;

4. It shall have the team and ability to undertake entrusted legal services.

5. The bidder of Package 1 shall have the good record in paying taxes and social security funds according to law;

6. Qualifications for implementing the government's procurement policy: None.

7. Specific qualification requirements of this project:

(1) The bidder in the Package 1 shall not be the bidder listed on the website of Credit China (www.creditchina.gov.cn) as the executor of dishonesty and the Litigant List of Major Tax Violation Cases, and shall not be the bidder who is in the record list of serious illegal dishonesty of government procurement of China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn) and is banned from participating in government procurement activities by the financial department (within the time and geographical scope specified in the penalty decision). The deadline of credit information is the day of bid opening;

(2) The bidder shall obtain the bid documents of this project.

 Obtain the bidding documents

1. Time: from September 30th, 2021 to October 22, 2021 , 9:30 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. (Beijing time).

2. Location: http://www.china-tender.com.cn, China General Bid Network. The bid documents of this project are available online, and no paper bid documents are provided to bidders.

3. Way:

(1)有意向的投标人应先在中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn免费注册(具体详见:附件 平台投标指导书 (供应商全电子流程操作手册)),注册审核电话:***
(1) The intention bidders should first register free of charge in China General Bid Network, namely http://www.china-tender.com.cn(for details, please refer to the attached Platform Bidding Instruction (supplier's all-electronic process operation manual)), and the registration audit telephone number is 010-63348420/ 010-63348287. (2) After the registration is completed, download the technical support materials of this project according to the online flows.

(3) Customer service hotline: 400-680-8126.

4. Price: RMB 0 yuan, non-refundable after sale.



 Other supplementary matters

1. The government's procurement policy: (not applicable).

(1) Policy of encouraging energy conservation: under the same conditions of technology and service, the products in the list of energy-saving items published by the state shall be preferentially purchased.

(2) Policy of encouraging environmental protection: under the same conditions of performance, technology and service, give priority to purchasing products in the list of environmental protection products published by the state.

(3) Policy of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises: when evaluating goods and services items, products from small and micro enterprises shall enjoy a price discount of 6%, and shall participate in the evaluation with the deducted price; during the project evaluation, on the basis of adopting the original quotation for scoring, scoring of small and micro enterprises shall be increased by 3% of the price scores.

(4) The bidding products shall not be imported products.

(5) For specific measures for encouraging bidding of energy-saving products, environmental protection products and small and medium-sized enterprises in this project (prison enterprises and welfare units for the disabled are regarded as small and micro enterprises), please refer to Chapter III Bid Evaluation Measures for details.In case of any inconsistency with the contents of Chapter III Bid Evaluation Measures, the provisions of Chapter III Measures shall prevail.

2. Handle CA E-cert

The online whole process bid and bidding of this project will be conducted through the electronic bidding platform- China General Bidding Network (www.china-tender.com.cn) (hereinafter referred to as "the Platform"). Interested bidders must apply for CA e-certificate after registering on the platform, and use CA e-certificate to prepare bidding documents, submit (encrypt) bidding documents, participate in bid opening and other bid and bidding operations. After handling the CA E-Cert, the bidder can also use the CA E-Cert to participate in other whole-process bid and bidding projects on this platform.

Matters related to handling CA e-cert are as follows:

(1) Time for handling: Please complete the handling within one week before the bid opening and check that it can be used normally.

(2) Handling procedures: The bidder must handle online at China General Bidding Network (www.china-tender.com.cn), complete information filling on the platform as required, then choose the certificate with/without media. See Platform Operation Instruction Manual for details.


In consideration of environmental compatibility, it can be handled through the representative office in China.

7×24 hours customer service hotline: 400-880-9888

CFCA customer service tel: 400-880-9888

CFCA WeChat official account: CFCA-4008809888

    (3)Price: RMB 500 yuan, or US$ 80, or Euro70, which is non-refundable after sale.

3. The budget amount of this project shall be determined separately according to specific legal services.



名 称:中华人民共和国商务部/Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China     




名 称:中技国际招标有限公司            

地 址:***




电 话:***


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