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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2020.04.13招标公告 > 新疆天利高新石化股份有限公司20万吨/年EVA项目-EVA装置高压试验设施采购国际招标项目公告


信息发布日期:2020.04.13 标签: 新疆维吾尔自治区招标 
地 区:新疆维
内 容:日期:****年*月**日 招标编号:****-****SCCZX*** *. 中化商务有限公司(招标代理机构)受**石化工程有限公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标: 高压试验设施(***-X-****),*套 (具体要求详见招标文件第八章《货物需求一览




1.       中化商务有限公司(招标代理机构)受大庆石化工程有限公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:



2.     有兴趣的潜在投标人可从中化商务有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。

*3.   对投标人的资格要求:

1)     投标人具有有效的营业执照(国内投标人)/企业经营许可证明文件(国外投标人),需提供相应证明复印件;

2)     投标人必须是制造商或制造商直接授权的代理商;如为代理商投标,必须提供制造商对本次投标的唯一授权书原件或复印件加盖公章,否则其投标将被否决;

3)     投标人近10年内应具有1套10万吨/年及以上规模LDPE或EVA同类装置的高压试验设施的供货、应用业绩。


4)     投标人所投产品的制造商必须是本装置专利商推荐的供货商,或在投标前取得本装置专利商出具的合格供货商认证材料(需提供本装置专利商出具的合格供货商认证材料);

5)     投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立账户的银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件;

6)     投标人在中国境内近三年没有不良业绩记录或严重质量问题,否则其投标也将被否决

7)     本项目不接受联合体投标。

4.     (有兴趣或被邀请)的潜在投标人可于2020年4月13日至2020年4月20日每天(节假日除外)9:00至17:00时(北京时间)在下列地点购买招标文件,本招标文件售价为3000元人民币或450美元,售后不退(邮购须另加 100元人民币或50美元)。任何未在中化商务有限公司领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。









5.     所有投标文件应于2020年5月7日9:30时(北京时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于2020年5月7日9:30时举行,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式:

投标文件递交地点及开标仪式地点:北京市复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20 层5号会议室。


   Date: April, 13th, 2020

Bid No.: 0747-2040SCCZX514

1. Entrusted by DAQING PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING CO., LTD. (Tenderee), SINOCHEM COMMERCE Co., Ltd. (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international competitive from eligible bidders for the supply of 1 sets of HP Testing Device(101-X-8602). (Details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.)

2. Interested Potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding Documents from SINOCHEM COMMERCE Co., Ltd.

*3.Qualification requirements to the bidders:

1) The bidder shall has an effective Business License(domestic bidders) or Business Registration(foreign bidder), the bidder should provide the corresponding photocopy.

2) The bidder shall be the Goods’ manufacturer or the agent which be directly authorized from Goods’ Manufacturer, the bidder should provide the corresponding photocopy of certificates, otherwise the bid will be rejected.

3) The bidder shall have experience in supply and application performance, at the same time, of HP Testing Device for at least one (1) 100 KMTA LDPE or EVA similar Plants in the customs territory of China in nearly 10 years.

The bidder shall submit a performance list and key contract pages photocopy.Proof of the manufacturing experience of equipment under similar operating conditions (indicating name and specification, user’s name, user’s location, investment time, design capacity, etc.).

4) The Goods’ manufacturer of bidder shall be the approved vendor of the licensor of the plant, or the bidder shall obtain qualified supplier certification material issued by the licensor of the plant (the bidder should provide the evidentiary material).

5)The bidder should provide a bank reference letter in original or its copy issued by their account banks within 3 months prior to the time of bid opening.

6) The bidder has no bad performance record or serious quality problems in China for nearly 3 years, or its bid will be rejected.

7) The Joint Venture shall not be accepted under this bidding project.

4. Interested bidders may purchase Bidding Documents at the place hereafter from April, 13th, 2020 to April, 20th, 2020 during 09:00AM–5:00PM (Beijing time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB 3000 or USD 450 for each complete set of bidding documents (for mail order, an additional payment of RMB 100 or USD 50 for each set is requested.) Bidders that fail to fill out the purchase record of the Bidding Documents shall be rejected.

For Bidding Documents Purchasing:

Online Bid Sales: Login to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com) to purchase electronic bidding documents. At first, the purchaser should register online (free), and refer to the help center-bidding guide in detail. After successful payment, you can download the bidding documents and the VAT electronic general invoiced (Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform, Technical Support Tel: 010-86391277).

For Project Inquiry:

Contact address for the Project: 20-21th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.

Contact person: Mr.Wu Shaofeng, Mr.Li Yongxiang

Tel: +86 595 22231530, +86 18911319528, +86 15959509006;

Fax: +86 10 80115555-766045

E -Mail: wushaofeng@sinochem.com, liyongxiang01@sinochem.com

5. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a.m., May, 7th, 2020 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m., May, 7th, 2020 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time.

Address for bid submission and bid opening: Meeting Room No. 5, 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P.R.China.


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