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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2019.11.04招标公告 > 南航布里斯班休息室服务招标公告CSABrisbaneLoungeService2019PublicBiddingAnnouncement


信息发布日期:2019.11.04 标签: 广东省招标 
地 区:广东省
内 容:中国南方航空股份有限公司布里斯班营业部 (以下简称“招标人”)现对南航布里斯班机场休息室服务进行公开招标。 China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. Brisbane Office (hereinafter referred to as the “CZ”) now cond


中国南方航空股份有限公司布里斯班营业部 (以下简称“招标人”)现对南航布里斯班机场休息室服务进行公开招标。

China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. Brisbane Office (hereinafter referred to as the “CZ”) now conducts the public bidding for 2019 China Southern Airlines Brisbane Airport Lounge Service Project.



1. Project Background Information

1.1 招标项目名称: 南航布里斯班休息室服务。

1.1 Project Name: 2019 China Southern Airlines Brisbane Airport Lounge Service.


1.2 Project Number: BNE2019004


1.3 Project Category: Service


1.4 Source of Project Fund: Corporate Self-Financing;

1.5 招标内容、限价:承担南航布里斯班高端旅客休息室服务保障工作。本项目最高限价50澳币/人次(不含税),高于本限价的投标视为无效。本项目总费用大概为三百万人民币。

1.5 Project Description/Quantity/Limit or Budget: Responsible for China southern airlines’ lounge service at Brisbane airport. This project has a maximum bid price of 50AUD/per person per flight (GST excluded). The approximately cost of this project will be 3 million Chinese Yuan.

1.6 交货地点:布里斯班国际航站楼

1.6 Product Exchange/Service Execution Location: Brisbane airport international terminal


1.7 Product Exchange/Service Execution Date: Within 1 month from the date of agreement.

1.8 合同期限:自合同签订之日起2年。

1.8 Contract Affective Period: 2 years from the date of agreement.



2. Vendor Requirements


Criteria listed below must be met by companies to participate and be considered for this bidding:

2.1 投标人必须满足具有独立承担当地民事责任能力澳大利亚境内注册的法人或组织基本条件,并具备合法且涵盖本项目的经营范围有效且的营业执照。

2.1 Vendor must be able capable of taking legal responsibilities for all actions made by their registered organization and possess valid business licenses. (Please provide copies of all necessary licenses.)

2.2 投标人须已具备在布里斯班机场向旅客提供休息室服务的资质与经验。

2.2 Vendor must have experience in airport lounge service and have all necessary skills and ability to provide quality service.

2.3 投标人应具备纳税并且提供合乎当地税法的专用发票。

2.3 Vendor must have register for GST and able to provide Australian tax invoice.

2.4 本次招标不接受联合报价,中标人不得分包转包。

2.4 This project do not accept combined bid, it cannot be subcontracting or transfers.



3. Vendor Application Restrictions


3.1 Bidding announcement date: 6th Nov 2019 to 13th NOV 2019


3.2 Application acceptance time frame: 6th Nov 2019 to 13th NOV 2019


Please send all application documents directly through email, applications will not be accepted past the deadline stated above.


3.3 Application Documents: A Copy of vendor’s business license, copy of organization code, a copy of vendor’s tax registration, or a business license that contains all three certificates. Please scan all required documents and send as attachments through the application email.



4. Evaluation Criteria


4.1 Evaluation Date: 14th Nov 2019

4.2 南航将根据提供的材料评估并筛选每个供应商。供应商必须通过申请流程才能参与提交项目的建议书和报价。

4.2 CZ will evaluate and screen each vendor based on the provided application. The lack or incompletion of any documentation will result in disqualification. Vendor must pass the application process in order to participate in submitting a proposal and quotation for the project.

4.3供应商必须确保所提供信息的真实性。 南航保留要求审查申请中提供的原始文件的权利。未经认证的文件将导致供应商被取消资格并被添加到供应商黑名单中。

4.3 Vendor must ensure the authenticity of the information provided. CZ reserves the right to request to review the original documents provided in the application. Unauthentic documents will result in the vendor being disqualified and added to the vendor blacklist.



5. Acquisition of Bidding Documents


CZ will contact vendors that pass the application screening by 15TH NOV 2019. Vendors who failed the application screening will not receive any emails and will not be able to participate in submitting a proposal with quotations for the project.



6. Relevant Document Submission


6.1 Vendor will have until 16th Nov 2019 to submit their proposals and quotations.

6.2 南航不接受在截止日期之后提交的任何文件。

6.2 CZ will not accept any documents submitted past the deadline.



7. Contact Information



Purchaser: China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. Brisbane Office



Address: China Southern Airlines, Level 6, 140 Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia



Contact Person: Victor Yang



Contact Phone Number: +61 7 3860 5510



Email: bneairport@csair.com.au


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