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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2019.09.04招标公告 > 曹妃甸6-4油田开发项目电动消防水泵招标公告


信息发布日期:2019.09.04 标签: 北京市招标 油田招标 泵招标 
地 区:北京市
内 容: 项目名称:曹妃甸*-*油田开发项目电动消防水泵采购招标公告 招标编号:****-****JDCP****/** 日 期:****年*月*日 *.*************(以下简称“招标机构”)受中海石油(中国)有限公司委托,曹妃甸*-*油田开发项目的下列全新货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标,现邀请
关键词: 油田 泵



日   期:2019年9月4日






项目概况:依托南堡35-2油田,新建一座8腿带井口的中心平台(44个井槽、8个单筒双井,可钻52口井;80人生活楼),新铺设1条8"由CFD6-4CEPA至NB35-2 CEP的12.5公里双层保温输油海管,1条12.5公里的复合海底电缆,井流物在中心平台处理成合格原油后经新建海底管线输送至南堡35-2油田CEP平台,并与南堡35-2油田CEP平台的合格原油一起输送至“世纪号”FPSO储存和外输。分离出来的生产水和水源井水在CEPA平台处理合格后直接回注地层。CEPA平台设2台10000kW主电站,通过海底复合电缆与NB35-2CEP平台电力组网。


数量:  2台套





1)    电动消防泵需按照《海上固定平台安全规则》的要求进行设计、制造、认证和检验。

2)    投标人应委托国家安全生产监督管理总局海洋石油作业安全办公室(COOOSO)认可的船级社(ABS,Lloyd’s, DNV,CCS,BV)对电动消防泵设备整体进行检验并获得检验证书。

3)    投标人所提供的电动消防泵应为制造厂家的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。投标人应具有至少2台套(泵送输送介质为海水的立式长轴消防泵机组,排量≥500m3/h;扬程≥120m)2年及以上(从调试验收报告签字日期或使用方出具的运行时间证明文件起计)在海洋环境条件下(海洋石油平台或FPSO或海岸沿线的码头或油轮)成功运行的业绩,并提供相应的书面材料(书面材料是指:合同及调试验收报告或合同及使用方出具的有效证明文件);上述文件中如未包含设备所在设施的名称及使用方信息,投标人应提供有效说明文件。

4)    投标人应在投标阶段至少需提供泵的同系列的FM或UL证书,以证明制造商在投标时同系列设备已取得FM或UL证书,设备交付时提供所交付设备的FM或UL证书,且设备铭牌需标有FM或UL的认证标志。

5)    电动消防泵橇需按照中国强制性产品认证制度进行设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托经国家认监委指定的认证机构对电动消防泵组进行3C 认证,并在设备交付时提供3C认证证书,设备本体需标有3C消防认证标志。



1)   电机启动电流不大于满载电流的700%。

2)   电动消防泵的型式是立式长轴泵,由电机驱动。

3)   泵参数包括流量,排放压力应满足买方的要求。

4)   泵壳、泵轴、中间轴、叶轮和扬水管、中间轴轴承的材质要求应满足以下内容:

泵壳: ASTM B-148 C95800

泵轴和中间轴: Monel-K500

叶轮: ASTM B-148 C95800

扬水管: SS316L


5)   电动消防泵扬程在不小于65%的总额定扬程时,其流量不小于150%的额定流量。泵关死点的扬程不超过额定扬程的140%。



从 2019年9月4日至2019年9月11日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn)购买招标文件(电子版)。投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或300美元(收款人:中化建国际招标有限责任公司,美元开户行:交通银行北京分行和平里支行,美元账号:110060224146300007037,SWIFTCODE:COMMCNSHBJG),售后不退。











邮   编:300459







邮   编:100027





Project:CFD 6-4 Oil FieldDevelopment Project


Date: September?4th,2019


1.  CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinaftercalled“TenderingAgent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China?Limited(here?in?after?called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for the?supply?of following equipment:

Source of Funds:Yes

Description of The Prepared BiddingConditions:Yes

Joint Bids:NOT Acceptable

Overview:The development project includes relying on NB35-2oilfield to build a new 8-leg central platform with wellhead (44 wellslots, 8 single wells and double wells, 52 wells can bedrilled; 80 people's living quarters), laying a new 8-kilometer double-layerinsulated oil pipeline from CFD6-4CEPA to NB35-2CEP, a 12.5-kilometer compositesubmarine cable and fluid in the center. After the platform is processed intoqualified crude oil, it is transported to NB35-2CEP by newly built submarinepipeline, and with qualified crude oil of NB35-2CEP, it is transported to"Century" FPSO for storage and transportation. The separatedproduction water and source well water are directly injected back into theformation after CEPA is qualified. CEPA consists of two 10000 kW main powerstations, which are connected by submarine composite cables and NB35-2 CEP.

Name of Goods: Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump

Qty: 1?SET

Delivery Schedule: On?or?before?Sep.15th, 2020(From?within?PRC)

??????????????? On?or?before?Aug.31st, 2020 (From?outside?PRC)

Destination of?delivery: Construction?Site?of?Qingdao,Shandong?Province(From?within?PRC)

????????????????????Qingdao?Seaport, Shandong?Province(From?outside?PRC)


2. Qualificationrequirements:

1)       The?Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump shall be designed, manufactured,certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules forOffshore Fixed Platform Issued by State Economic & Trade Commission. PRC(SETC).

2)        Supplier?shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain inspection compliancecertificate of The Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump from one of thecertifying agencies authorized by COOOSO, which are ABS,LIoyd's, DNV,CCS,BV.

3)       The?Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump that VENDOR supplied should be the

manufacturer'smature products. Unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable. At least twosets(vertical line shaft seawater pump type、Capacity≥500m3/hand Pumping Head≥120m) has been operating successfully in marine environment(Offshore Oil Platform or FPSO or Coastal Wharf or Oil Ship) for two years ormore (From the date of signature of the commissioning acceptance report or thecertificate of operation time issued by the user), the VENDOR shall provide therelevant supporting documents (contract and commissioning acceptance report orcontract and the effective certificate issued by the user). If the name of thefacility and the user's information are not included in the above documents,the bidder shall provide the valid documentation.

4)       TheBIDDER shall provide at least FM or UL certificates of the same series of pumpat the bidding stage to prove that the manufacturer has obtained FM or ULcertificates of the same series of equipment at the time of bidding, and thenshall provide the FM or UL Certificate of the contract equipment in delivery;the equipment nameplate shall be marked with the certification mark of FM orUL.

5)       Theelectric fire pump skid to design, manufacture, inspection and certification in

accordancewith the China mandatory product certification system. The bidder shall entrustthe certification body designated by the National Accreditation Authority forthe 3C certification of the electric fire pump group, and provide the 3Ccertification certificate when the equipment is delivered, and the equipmentbody shall be marked with the 3C fire certification mark.


3. Main technical requirements:

1)       Motor locked rotor current shall be nomore than 700% of full load current.

2)       Thetype of Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pumps is vertical line shaft pumpsdriven by electric motors.

3)       Theparameters, including flow, discharge pressure shall meet the requirements of


4)       Therequirement of material of pump casing, pump shaft, Line Shaft, impeller and

ColumnPipe,lineshaft Bearing shall meet the following:

a)       Pump?Casing: ASTM B-148 C95800

b)       PumpShaft and Line Shaft: Monel K-500

c)       Impeller:ASTM B-148 C95800

d)      ColumnPipe: SS316L

e)       Line Shaft Bearing: Thordon Bearing

5)       TheElectric Motor Driven Fire Water Pumps shall furnish not less than 150% of ratedcapacity at not less than 65% of total rated head. The shut-off head shall notexceed 140% of rated head.



4. All?those?who?are?willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to: enter?into?website?http://buy.cnooc.com.cn to purchase the bidding documents(electronicedition) online from?September?4th,2019?to?September?11th,?2019?upon?non-refundable?payment?of ?RMB2000 or USD300 for each copy. (Beneficiary:  CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank:  Bank of Communications Beijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch;  USD A/C No.:  110060224146300007037,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents.


5. Bids?must?be?delivered?to Meeting Room No.308,?of?CNOOC?Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China?for?submission?of?bids before 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) ?on?September?25th?2019.


6. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on?September?25th?2019 at Room?308, 3rd Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China for bid-opening.


7.The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of simultaneously.



Address:Building A, No.2121 Haichuan Road, Binhai NewArea,Tianjin, P.R. China,?300459

Contact person: Suzie Xing


E-mail: xingsp@cnooc.com.cn


NameofTendering Agent:  CNCCC InternationalTenderingCo.,Ltd.

Address:Floor4,CNOOC Tower, No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing100027,P.R. China
Post Code: 100010

Contact person: Ms. Yao Yuan

Telephone: +86-10-84527952

E-mail: yaoyuan@cnooc.com.cn

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