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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2019.07.26招标公告 > 国际工程-柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程-工程保险


信息发布日期:2019.07.26 标签: 上海市招标 
地 区:上海市
内 容:**宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司资格预审公告 Prequalification Notice of Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. 本次招标为柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程项目,招标人为**宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司,已具备招标条件,现对该项目的工程保险进行公开招标。 T
Prequalification Notice of Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
本次招标为柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程项目,招标人为上海宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司,已具备招标条件,现对该项目的工程保险进行公开招标。                                      This tender is The Chip Mong Tower at Phnom Penh Cambodia project, and the tenderer is Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd., which has met the conditions for bidding. Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.is now to implement Construction insurance open bidding.
一、 招标编号:201312-2019-GFF20190370000-006
Bidding Number: 201312-2019-GFF20190370000- Other subcontracting - tender for construction insurance 006
General Situation of Bidding Projects:
Name of tender project: The Chip Mong Tower Project at Phnom Penh Cambodia
Project address: Russian Boulevard Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The Duration of a tender project: 10th March, 2019—9th January, 2022.
4、招标项目类别:£工程   √服务 £其他
Categories of Bidding Projects: □Engineering   √Service   £Others
Scope of Work of this tender:
The scope includes:    Construction insurance                          
内容:建筑工程一切险(Contractors’ All Risks Insurance)、工伤赔偿险(Workmen’s Compensation Policy)  
The details:  Contractors’ All Risks Insurance、Workmen’s Compensation Policy.
四、标段划分 :     一个标段                                             
Tender Section:     One bid section                                     
Qualification requirements:
The qualifications required by this tender are as follows:
√专业施工资质,具体要求为:  □是 √否   提供投标人在最近 □2年 □3年 □其他年 内的履约、诚信考评证明,考评情况,□是 √否 须提供投标人近 □2年 □3年 □其他年 内财务状况报表 。              
√Professional construct qualification,as:  □MUST √NO NEED   require to submit the recent □2 years □3years □ others supporting documents of the performance and reputation of the tenderer’s company; □MUST √NO NEED require to submit the recent □2 years □3years □ others the statement of tenderer’s company Financial Report.                                                       
Domestic companies shall submit the copy of certificates with the official seal of the bidder according to the requirements of “The Regulations on The Management of  Engineering Subcontracting”. The proposed winning bidder shall submit the original certificate for verification. The certificates include Business License, Account Opening License, Qualification Certificate, Bank Credit Certificate, and Corporate Integrity Handbook (if any).             
境外公司(仅限柬埔寨区域):柬埔寨当地建筑行业公司需提供柬埔寨营业执照、柬埔寨施工资质证书(如有)、柬埔寨公司本年的税务执照、柬埔寨缴税通知函、公司章程、柬埔寨税务登记证原件扫描件或复印件加盖投标人单位公章并扫描上报,财务报表上报不做强制性要求。其他行业公司按实际情况提  供。                                                               
Overseas companies (Cambodia area only): The requirements of documents of construction industry companies are as follows: Cambodian local companies need to submit Cambodian business license, Cambodian construction qualification certificate (if any), Cambodian company's tax license for current year, Cambodian tax payment notice letter, company charter, copy of Cambodian tax registration certificate with official seal. There is no mandatory requirement for reporting financial statements. And other industry companies shall provide the relevant document according to the actual situation.       
Cambodian Regional Natural Person: Not acceptable.                              
□劳务施工资质,具体要求为: 同上                                     
□Labor construct qualification, requirements: Ditto                                                             
□其他,具体要求为:     详见资格预审附件要求                      
□Others, requirements:  Details as per attachment” Prequalification Documents”                                                      
2、本次招标要求投标申请人具备的业绩为:              /            
The performance required by this tender is as follows:            /            
The requirements for the project manager of the bidder are as follows:                              
Please enclose the resume and relevant documents (ID certificate) of the project manager who to be sent to this tender, as detailed in the requirements of Article 5 of the Prequalification Appendix:Not applicable
The requirements for the technical director of the bidder are as follows:
Please enclose the resume and relevant documents (ID certificate) of technical director who to be sent to this tender, as detailed in the requirements of Article 6 of the Prequalification Annex:Not applicable
5、其他:                /                                           
Others:                       /                                               
六、本次招标 □接受  √不接受 联合体投标。联合体投标的,应满足下列要求:
This tender  ACCEPTS   NOT ACCEPTS joint bid. Joint tenders shall meet the following requirements:
七、 报名须知:Notes for Registration:
Registration Steps: Bidders should reply "with or without intention to participate in the tender" to the office of Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. by e-mail or written form .
Office address: 20F, Oval Office Tower, No.1, St.360, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Phnom Penh                                                                     
Bidding Office mailbox:
How to obtain the prequalification documents:
The registered companies on China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform: login website (http://ec.mcc.com.cn/) to obtain pre-qualification documents registration.
The unregistered units on China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform (or registered units without service relationship with Baoye): Tender applicants who intend to participate in this project must register as full members on the " China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform (http://ec.mcc.com.cn/, hereinafter referred to as the purchasing platform)" system, and with Shanghai Baoye Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd. has a service relationship, landing in China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform system to download pre-qualification documents.
If overseas enterprises are unable to use China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform for the time being, please refer to the requirements of pre-qualification announcement email attachment, submit relevant pre-qualification documents by email.
Mail reply address: Bidding Office mailbox
Submission of pre-qualification documents:
递交资格预审申请文件截止时间为 2019年7月31日17:00 时(北京时间),逾期将不能提交资格预审申请文件,投标人可登陆中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台查询资格预审结果,预审合格后方可参与投标,或等待招标人统一邮件回复。
The deadline for submitting the application documents for pre-qualification is: 25th/July/2019 12:00 (PM) (Beijing time), it will not be able to submit the application documents for pre-qualification after the deadline. Bidders can log on China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform to inquire about the results of pre-qualification. After the pre-qualification is qualified, they can participate in bidding or wait for the unified e-mail reply of bidders.
Contact information
Tenderee: Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
Contact person: JIN XIN                                                 
Telephone:   +855(0)10753819                                          
Email address: jinxing@sbc-mcc.com                                     
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