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当前位置: 首页 > 历年招标公告 > 2019.07.15招标公告 > 大规模数字集成电路高速信号分析验证系统招标公告


信息发布日期:2019.07.15 标签: 北京市招标 路招标 
地 区:北京市
内 容: 招标编号:****-****SCCZR*** 日期:****年*月**日 中化商务有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开招标。现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 *.招标产品的名称、数量、技术规格、资金来源: 大规模数字集成电路高速信号分析验证系统*套 技术规格: **)I/O通道数


































地    址:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20层


邮    编:100045


电    话:010-59369319/9360


传    真:010-59369782


联 系 人***




Bid Notice


Bid No.: 0747-1940SCCZR118


Date: 7/15/2019

SINOCHEM Commerce Co.,Ltd. entrusted by Tenderer, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding.


1.  Name, quantity, specifications and sources of funds for the bidding:


Large-scale digital integrated circuit high-speed signal analysis and verification system, 1 set


Technical specifications:


*1) The number of I/O channels is ≥1536. The hardware capability is 1.6Gbps.

2) The maximum data capture and drive rate of hardware capability without multiplexing: ≥1.6Gbps

……Others Specified in Bidding Documents


Source of the funds: capital appropriated from the national treasury and Self-funding



2.All potential bidders are kindly requested to log into Sinochem Commerce electric bidding and tendering platform (e.sinochemitc.com) to get

electronic tendering documents at 9:00Am- 16:30PM from Jul. 15th, 2019 to Jul. 22nd, 2019. (Beijing time, same as below) (Excluding holidays).

 The potential bidders shall first get registered online (for free). Contact telephone of the platform and CA technical support: 010-86391277, Mr. Yu. The sales

 price of the tendering document is Cost price, which is refundable after sales (Additional RMB 100 or USD 20 is required in case of mail order). Any

legal person or other organization who fails to receive tendering documents in Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid.


4.  deadline for bid and time of bid opening:All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30AM Aug. 19th, 2019 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30AM, Aug. 19th, 2019 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time.


5.  Address for bid submission and bid opening: NO.3 Meeting Room, 21F, Sinochem building, A2 Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing.


6.  Name of Tenderee (or Purchaser):NO.3 Meeting Room, 21F, Sinochem building, A2 Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing.


7.  Name of Tendering Agent: SINOCHEM Commerce Co., Ltd. 


Address of Tendering Agent: 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P.R. China.




Tel: +8610-59369319/9329; Fax: +8610 59369782;


Contact person: Hongyuan Huang, Jingfang Li

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